
回收二手Agilent N9010A,N9020A,N9030A,N9320B信号分析仪
回收二手Agilent N9010A,N9020A,N9030A,N9320B信号分析仪
Agilent E4432B RF 信号发生器为研制与开发、制造和查错应用提供众多的调制能力。它能产生标准和定制的数字调制制式、过滤和突发波形形状,以及各种模拟调制,以很平的售价提供高性能、高质量、高可靠性和世界范围的支持。
250 kHz 至 3 GHz 频率范围
RF 调制带宽达 35 MHz
和/或实时 I/Q 基带发生器
40 MHz 采样率和 14-bit I/Q 分辨率
1 Msample (4 MB) 存储器用于波形回放
1 Msample (4 MB) 存储器用于波形保存
定制数字调制 (>15 种 FSK&def MSK&def PSK&def QAM变异)&defAM&def FM&def 相位调制&def 脉冲调制&def 步进/表格扫描 (频率和功率)
E443xB Signal Studio 软件(Bluetooth&def 1xEV-DO)
E443xB 固件(3GPP W-CDMA&def cdma2000&def IS-95-A&def GSM/EDGE)
GPIB 和 RS-232 连通能力
Long-term cash recovery: second-hand mobile phone communication test instrument, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, network analyzer, tester, oscilloscope, signal source, power supply, multimeter, power meter, power supply, electronic load, antenna analyzer, power meter / head, LCR table, GPIB card and so on. If you have unused instruments in the hands of the hands, to prevent depreciation of storage, squeezing money, you can contact me, we are willing to market the most expensive recovery, your satisfaction is our ultimate pursuit!

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