Radiation pyrometers or 1-channel pyrometers measure as opposed to 2-color pyrometers (ratio pyrometers) only on one channel (one wavelength range). With such devices, most measuring temperatures can be well determined. Radiation pyrometers are available in many different designs, the selection is d on measuring temperature / measuring material, spectral rangeresponse time / exposure timeenvironmental conditions,features, housing design.

Radiation pyrometers are available in the following housing designs / series:

Short-Wave Measurements

ls, ceramics, glass, composites, semiconductor, wafers, molten glass...

The material to be measured largely determines which spectral range of the pyrometer should be selected. For l measurements, the shortest possible spectral range for a precise measurement is advantageous. Due to technical reasons the beginning of a temperature range may be limited, to a higher starting temperature therefore a model must be selected with a slightly higher spectral range, e.g. longer wavelength.

  • current tab:Temperature ranges from 550°C
  • from 250°C
  • from 100°C
  • from 35°C
  • Narrow band

Temperature ranges from 550°C

Spectral range 0.7 - 1.1 µm
range λ
Optics Sightings Response
Distance ratio/
spot size Ø
0.7 – 1.1 µm 550–1400°C
FFocMFocFFoc LAVFC < 1 ms 900:1 / 0.3 mm Metis M309
0.7 – 1.1 µm 550–1200°C
FocFFoc LAVFC < 40 µs 370:1 / 0.35 mm Metis H309
0.7 – 1.1 µm 600–1500°C
F LAVFC 1 ms 250:1 / 1.6 mm Diadem DS09
0.7 – 1.1 µm 550–1400°C
Foc LA 5 ms 130:1 / 1.3 mm Sirius SS09
0.7 – 1.1 µm 550–1400°C
Foc LA 4 ms 130:1 / 1.3 mm Polaris PS09

F: Fixed optics, Foc: Integrated focusable optics, FFoc: Focusable fiber optics, 
LA: Laser aiming, VF: View finder C: Camera

2-color pyrometers (also called ratio pyrometers or two-channel pyrometers) measure as opposed to radiation pyrometers (also called 1-channel pyrometers) in two spectral ranges simultaneously and determine the temperature by calculating the radiation ratio (quotient). In this method it is not necessary to know the emissivity of the material. It is reduced out because the radiation ratio remains constant at a neutral attenuation of infrared radiation (by dust, smoke ...).

Ratio pyrometers are available in series Metis M3 and H3 in various versions:

Short-wave measurements of ls, ceramics, composites, semiconductor, wafers, molten glass...

The material to be measured largely determines which spectral range of the pyrometer should be or has to be selected. For l measurements, the shortest possible spectral range for a precise measurement is advantageous. As the short-wave spectral range begins at somewhat higher temperature, potentially a model with the slightly longer wave spectral range has to be selected.

  • current tab:Temperature ranges from 600°C
  • from 300°C

Temperature ranges from 600°C

Spectral range 0.75 - 1.1 µm
range λ
Optics Sightings Response
Distance ratio/
spot size Ø
0.75 – 1.1 µm 600–1400°C
FocMFocFFoc LAVFC < 1 ms 377:1 / 0.9 mm Metis M311
0.75 – 1.1 µm 600–1100°C
FocFFoc LAVFC < 80 µs 280:1 / 0.5 mm Metis H311

F: Fixed optics, Foc: Integrated focusable optics, FFoc: Focusable fiber optics, 
LA: Laser aiming, VF: View finder C: Camera

Metis H3

High-speed pyrometers of the Metis H3 series measure temperatures many times faster than standard devices. Thereby are all advantages of the digital data processing are available, such as high accuracy at high-speed output of the measurement results via analog and digital outputs.
2 device types are available:

  • H3 radiation pyrometers with an exposure time of < 20 µs for more than 50,000 measurements / s
  • H3 2-color pyrometers with an exposure time of < 40 µs for more than 25,000 measurements / s

These data are available, respectively with response times of 40 and 80 microseconds at the outputs, fast enough e.g. to perform a laser power control in near real-time and to respond to complex workpiece geometries.

Metis H3 with integrated PID controller in stand-alone design: 
The Optimal Solution for Controlling the Process Temperature in Laser Processes / Laser Applications.

Metis high-speed pyrometers with an integrated, extremely fast controller are infrared thermometers that measure the temperature directly at the laser spot. Via the integrated high-speed controller this value is used to control the laser power in order to keep the required temperature level.

  • Unique stand-alone concept in a compact design for temperature measurement and laser control. The pyrometers are operating and communicating autonomously via digital inputs and outputs as well as the manipulated output that gives the control loop for the laser power. The software SensorTools is only necessary for the set up procedure or if the measurement and control process should be monitored visually or recorded for evaluation purposes. 
  • Fully autonomous operation or remote control commands via existing systems
  • Easy integration into existing systems
  • Easy integration of the optics into the laser system
  • Built-in calibration function for simple temperature adjustment on site without removing the optics


  •   H3 Highspeed radiation pyrometers Metis H309 / H316 / H318
  •   H3 Highspeed 2-color pyrometers Metis H311 / H322

Field of Application

  • Radiation pyrometers are mainly used for laser plastic welding applications (laser radiation welding, contour welding, simultaneous welding, quasi-simultaneous welding). 
  • 2-color pyrometers in shortwave spectral response of 1.45 - 1.8 μm are ideally suited for measurements on ls without influence by the laser. Especially for laser power control during the laser hardening process and measurements in laser cladding processes. 

The recording of the measured values is achieved by coupling the optics into the beam path of the laser or externally via focusable optics.

The PC software SensorTools allows adjustment of the parameters necessary to operate and control the process. These values are written directly into the pyrometer and keep stored there to ensure a fast and error-free integration into the measurement process.

  • Several parameter seups can be stored and addressed without software via an external control system.


A H3 pyrometer connected to the software via serial interface enables:

  • Visual control of the current measurement and control procedure
  • Recording and subsequent evaluation of the current measurement and control procedure

Benefits of the software:

  • Start and stop of control process via external control system or software
  • Output of status messages „ready“ and „controlling active“ via digital outputs and /or software
  • External temperature setpoint setting via analog 0-10 V input.
  • Selection of stored process parameters via external control system
  • On-site calibration function: for one click recalibration of the pyrometer with a calibration source on-site (e.g. to correct measurement errors when measuring through windows or if optics are coupled into the laser).

Line Scanners

Temperature Scanner Galaxy SC11 /SC12

for Metis Pyrometers

Galaxy SC11 and Galaxy SC12 are line scanners used with pyrometers of the Metis series to measure temperatures in a line. The scanning amplitude is adjustable in a wide range between 3.6° and 90°, the scanning speed is adjustable in a wide range as well.
The SC12 features the possibility to define 4 separate zones each with an analog 0/4-20mA output. For every zone the current reading of the maximum, minimum and the average temperature can be recorded.

  • SC11: Operation via software or ASCII commands
  • SC12:  additional with four analog 0/4-20mA outputs and digital display, and pushbuttons to configure the system without computer.

Scanning Mirror Adapter SC10
forMetis and Sirius Pyrometers

The gold plated mirror of the scanning accessory SC10 continuously deflects the optical path of the pyrometer across the surface of a target. In conjunction with the pyrometer’s peak picker and the extremely small spot sizes of the Metis, it is possible to detect the hot spots of small cracks between loose scale. Only in this way will it be assured that, in an inductive or conductive heated automatic control process the work piece is not overheated or even melted. Another application SC10 is used successfully is rolling of thin wires in steel mills.

Pyrometer Models

Sensortherm pyrometers are available in many model types, since each application requires different device characteristics.

All Sensortherm pyrometers are fully digital with direct signal digitization, i.e. the measuring signal is digitized directly behind the detector without logarithmic amplifier and then linearized (Sensortherm development). No other analog circuits will be used, virtually eliminating errors that otherwise arise in analog circuits. Thus very high measurement speeds and signal outputs (response time) are reached with high accuracy, both on the digital interface and the analog output.
Get an overview with the following list.

Series Metis M3

in a unique full equipment
  • Temperature ranges between 100°C and 3300°C
  • All in one device, no other equipment required
  • Available as 2-color or single wavelength radiation pyrometers
  • Very low measurement uncertaint
  • Use in even higher ambient temperatures up to 80°Cwith best ambient temperature compensation
  • Fully digital and very fast with response time < 1 ms. High-speed models from 40 µs
  • Many optics for different application requirements:
    Focusable optics (manually adjusted or motorized focus)
    - Focusable fiber optics (standard 25 mm outside diameter or miniature 12 mm)
    Fixed Focus optics (for radiation pyrometers) with a distance ratio up to 900:1
  • 10-digit matrix display for temperature and IR sensor parameters
  • Push button device configuration or via software SensorTools
  • 2 high resolution 16 bit analog 0/4 to 20mA outputs
  • 3 versatile configurable inputs or outputs
  • Serial interfaces RS232 and RS485 (switchable)
  • 3 Sightings selectable: view finder (provides upright imagery) with adjustable attenuation filter, Laser targeting light (laser 2) or color camera module with highly dynamic adjustment of the picture brightness.
  • Optional equipment:
    - Pyrometers with integrated PID controller measure the temperature and thus control a given temperature level
    Fieldbus systems: Profinet or Profibus.
  • Includes new and extensive PC software SensorTools for graphical illustration of measured values, measured value recording or device configuration as well as continuously free software updates


Metis Series with Integrated Optics

  • Modern Pyrometers in black anodized aluminum housing (approx. 56 x 56 x 240 mm with stable mounting rail for quick installation)
  • Connections: power supply, analog current output, digital interface RS232 or RS485, baud rate up to 57.6 kBaud, high-speed models up to 921 kBaud
  • Models with focusable or fixed optics (see corresponding datasheet)
  • Optional selectable (see corresponding datasheet): integrated PID controller output, Profibus or integrated LED display
  • Measuring modes: normal measurement, measurement with peak picker
  • Sighting (depending on model, see corresponding datasheet): laser targeting, through lens sighting or color camera with high-speed models
  • Measuring and evaluation software SensorWin, with software protocol trigger (software recording start from external contact)

Metis Series with fiber optics and small optical heads

The technical structure corresponds to the Metis series with the following features:

  • The optical heads can be used at ambient temperatures up to 250°C without additional cooling.
  • Two optical designs are available for selection, with an outside diameter of 25 mm or in 12 mm miniature design for very limited installation space. Both optics are focusable.
  • The electronics are protected outside a danger zone.
  • Available as spectral or 2-color pyrometer.
  • With laser aiming as sighting
  • The fiber length can be delivered in length up to 30 m.

An optional vacuum feed through fitting within the fibre optic cable performs installation in a vacuum chamber or in compression chamber systems. These vacuum feed through fittings are made with a Swagelok screw joint which will be screwed into the wall of the chamber or as DN16CF flange.

Drawing:  Vacuum feedthrough      Vakuum feedthrough with DN16CF flange


Metis High-Speed Series

The digital high-speed temperature measurement with spectral- and 2-color pyrometers of the Metis series opens up new applications. Metis high-speed  pyrometers combine an extremly fast response time with a complete digital signal processing.

  • Maximum baud rate of 921 kBaud for recording intervals of 70 µs via software
  • High-speed control pyrometers run autonomously without software with response times up to 40 µs


Metis and Metis M3 Pyrometers with built-in PID controller

The Metis pyrometers M3, MP, MB and all Metis high-speed models can be optionally equipped with a built-in PID controller. The advantage of this integral design is in the compactness and speed of the controller. The temperature signal internally provided by the microprocessor is converted immediately via a software controller into a control output signal. This results in no time and accuracy losses due to signal transformations. No additional hardware is required.

Via the default provided software SensorWin all parameters for control can be set. The control output is in the form of a 0/4-20 mA signal and is thus insensitive to electromagnetic interferences. There is an external trigger input available to start and stop the control process. After the controller has been configured via software, the pyrometer runs with these settings self-sufficient and can operate separately from the computer


Internal Profibus DP Interface for Metis Pyrometers

for direct interconnection of Metis pyrometers series with Profibus DP. Additionally the pyrometer's analog output signal is always available.
  • Up to 12 Mbaud
  • Support of all pyrometer parameters


Metis M3/H3 Heavy-Duty Measuring System

The HD measuring system in heavy stainless steel design is designed for continuous temperature measurement in rolling mills, continuous casting plants, casting machines andsimilarly harsh industrial conditions.
The system is optimally adapted to the application conditions in the steel industry. The optics system is designed for up to 250°C, the purge air provides additional cooling and keeps the optics tube and thus the pyrometer field of vision free from contamination.
Application example hot strip rolling mill:
In this application it is measured by the pyrometer from below of the strip, so that the measurement result is not affected by scale or water puddles on the strip. The evaluation unit is remote located for installation in the control cabinet. The measuring tube is kept free from contaminants with flush air.



Sirius Series

  • Compact pyrometers in stainless steel housing (Ø 40 x ca. 130 mm) with thread and 2 mounting nuts
  • Connections: Power supply, analog current output, digital interface RS232 or RS485, baud rate up to 57.6 kbaud
  • Measuring modes: normal measurement, measurement with peak picker
  • Laser aiming
  • Measuring and evaluation software SensorWin, with software protocol trigger (software recording start from external contact)
  • 2 models with integrated fixed optics (with customer changeable lens position for adjusting the focus distance on 8 different ranges 150-650 mm) or 3 focusable optics for distances between 170 and 2000 mm.


Polaris Series

  • Infrared temperature switch (hot l detector) in a compact stainless steel housing (Ø 40 x ca. 130 mm) with thread and 2 mounting nuts
  • Non-contact detection of hot parts and trigger a switching process.
  • Degree precise switching, beginning from 250°C
  • Two contacts, freely adjustable switching temperatures
  • Indication of the switching state by LEDs on back of unit
  • Laser aiming for easy alignment to the measuring
  • Software CFG-Polaris to set parameters as setting time, emissivity, switching threshold and hysteresis, and the use of contacts as normally closed or normally open

System Solutions

Our system solutions are additional components to the pyrometer which expedient extend the application range.
If there are any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us

Digital Indicator IF0000

LED digital display for panel mounting.
For use with a digital Sensortherm pyrometer and display of:

  • Measuring temperature, pyrometer parameters, active limit switches

PID Program Controller Regulus RF and RD

Regulus RF and RD are the replacement models of the PID controller "Regulus". They are specially designed programmable PID controllers for use with a Sensortherm pyrometer and enable intelligent and very fast control processes. They are available in a compact panel mounting version or a desktop housing for use with two pyrometers and additional relays contacts.

  • Regulus RF: PID program controller for panel mounting
  • Regulus RD: PID program controller as bench top model

Measurement Data and Maximum Value Storage AZ76

The AZ76 measures the temperatures of passing measuring s with a pyrometer and determines their maximum temperature. These values the AZ76 compares with a predetermined temperature range and output a corresponding control signal (via 4 switching outputs for the states overheated, too warm, good or too low) if temperatures are in accordance or deviation. Each measured value with valuation result, date and time is stored in the device (max. 32000 records). Data can be read out via interface commands or via the external softwareSchmiedeWin.


Temperature Scanner Galaxy SC11 / SC12 / SC31 / SC32 for Metis Pyrometers

The Galaxy line scanner is used for continuous scanning of measurement s and always detects the temperature on a line. The scanner can be combined with various Metis series pyrometers and is therefore suitable for the measurement of many different materials, depending on the choice of pyrometer.
The scanner is equipped with a stepper motor for extremely long service life and continuous 24/7 operation. Angular position and the scanning speed can be adjusted. In addition, up to 4 individual scanning areas can be defined for separate analysis. The step speed is adjustable between 1 and 4000 steps per second. The scan angle is split into 1600 single high-resolution steps: Models SC11 / SC12 between 3.6 and 90°, and Models SC31 / SC32 from 0.6 to 15°.

  • SC11 / SC31: Operation via software or ASCII commands
  • SC12 / SC32: Additional with four analog 0/4-20 mA outputs, digital display and pushbuttons to configure the system without computer.

Scanning Mirror Adapter SC10
for Metis and Sirius Pyrometers

An SC10 scanner is primarily used to detect the maximum temperature of s, where at fixed aligned pyrometers the measuring would move out of focus or cold parts of surfaces (e.g. scale) does not display the required measurement result.



Heavy-Duty Measuring System

Pyrometer Measuring System in Heavy Stainless Steel Design

The heavy-duty measuring system is designed for continuous temperature measurement in:

  • Hot strip rolling mills
  • Continuous casting plants
  • Casting machines / automatic casting units
  • Pipe welding machines
  • similarly harsh industrial conditions

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