
1.1.1     Performance Data for Temperature Tests


Maximum temperature

+180 °C



Minimum temperature

-70 °C, discontinuously 2)



Cooling-down rate as per
IEC 60068-3-5

approx. 25,0 K/min., on average, measured in the air inlet



Heating-up rate as per
IEC 60068-3-5

approx. 25,0 K/min., on average, measured in the air inlet



Temperature deviation, in time, in steady state, depending on the temperature

±0,1 K to ±0,5 K



Temperature homogeneity, in space, depending on the adjusted set point value³

±0,5 K to ±2,0 K



Heat compensation     at -20 °C
                                     at +20 °C

8000 W
8000 W



Calibration values

+23 °C and +80 °C



2)  In case of continuous, long-term operation below +5 °C ice might form on the evaporator if outer humidity is allowed to enter the chamber, for instance, by open apertures, doors or if additional humidity is generated by specimens or others.



    In these cases, the evaporator has to be defrosted from time to time by heating-up to ³+10 °C.



³)  In the temperature range of minimum temperature to +150°C.


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