





◆ 旋转鼠标,操作更方便。

◆ 可选择快速的自动测量和任意的手动选择测量两种方式。

◆ 大屏幕中英文菜单界面,实时显示测试数据和曲线。

◆ 存储数据、自带微型打印机,实时快速打印测试数据和特性曲线。

◆ 根据试验参数自动调整保护动作值,确保设备安全。

◆ 可兼做单相变压器的空载、短路试验和电压(流)互感器、消弧线圈的伏安特性试验。


1、交流阻抗:0999.9Ω     0.2

2、交流电压:0600V     0.2

3、交流电流:0120A     0.2

4、有功功率:072KW     0.5

5、转速测量:1010000rpm       0.2

6、频    率:4575Hz       0.2

7、工作电源:AC 220V±1050Hz

8、体    积:415 mm×225 mm×200mm

9、重    量:5kg


Product introduction 

NAJZK rotor impedance tester is to determine whether the generator rotor winding inter-turn short circuit of the special equipment, can be automatic, manual (unidirectional or bidirectional) measurement of the rotor winding voltage, current, impedance, power, phase angle and other parameters.

Also called name

Generator rotor impedance tester

The Characteristics of the products

Rotate the mouse, the operation more convenient.

Selectable fast automatic measurement and manually select an arbitrary measure in two ways.

large screen English menu interface, real-time display of test data and curves.

store data, comes with micro-printer, real fast print test data and characteristic curves.

automatically adjusted according to the test parameter value protection action to ensure the safety of equipment.

can cater to single-phase transformer no-load, short circuit test and voltage (current) transformers, arc suppression coil volt-ampere characteristic test.

The parameters of the products

1, AC impedance: 0 ~ 999.9Ω  Accuracy: 0.2%

2, AC voltage: 0 ~ 600V  Accuracy: 0.2%

3, AC current: 0 ~ 120A  Accuracy: 0.2%

4, Active power: 0 ~ 72KW  Accuracy: 0.5%

5, Rotation rate: 10 ~ 10000rpm  Accuracy: 0.2%

6, Frequency: 45 ~ 75Hz  Accuracy: 0.2%

7, Power supply: AC 220V ± 10% 50Hz

8, Volume: 415mm × 225mm × 200mm

9, Weight: 5kg

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