
湿度和温度的影响电阻率,所以他们必须进行测试。欧姆-Stat公司®RT-1000测试电阻率,温度和湿度的所有导电,抗静电,静电耗散表面的电阻/电阻根据EOS / ESD CECCANSIASTMULNFPA,军事和环境影响评估的测试程序。


· 两个5磅。2.5探头带手柄

· 23英寸平行表面电阻率探头

· 耗散椅子测试探针(符合ANSI / EOS / ESD标准12.1

· 接地探头

· 服装夹(符合EOS / ESD 2.1标准)

· 同心环探头

· 泡沫内衬手提箱


· 易于阅读的数字显示

· 测量电阻率/电阻10 3 -1012欧姆

· 措施,相对湿度10%至90RH

· 测量温度:32°F100°F0°C37°C

· 10v/100v的双重考验电压范围

· 自动调零和关闭电源

· 120V220V的交流和直流9V碱性电池或镍镉

· 符合ANSI / EOS / ESD标准11.11

· CE

· NIST证书


Humidity and temperature affect resistivity so they must be tested. The Ohm-Stat® RT-1000 tests resisitivity, humidity and temperature of all conductive, antistatic and static dissipative surfaces for electrical resistivity/resistance according to the EOS/ESD CECC, ANSI, ASTM, UL, NFPA, Military, and EIA test procedures.The RT-1000 includes:

· Two 5lb. 2.5" probes with handles

· Two 3" parallel surface resistivity probes

· Dissipative chair test probe (meets ANSI/EOS/ ESD Standard 12.1)

· Earth ground probe

· Garment clamps (conforms to EOS/ESD 2.1 standard)

· Concentric ring probe available

· Foam lined carrying case

RT-1000 Features:

· Easy to read digital display

· Measures resistivity/resistance to 103-1012 ohms

· Measures relative humidity-10% to 90% RH

· Measures temperature: 32°F to 100°F or 0°C to 37°C

· 10v/100v dual test voltage ranges

· Automatic zeroing and power off

· 120v or 220v AC and 9v DC alkaline or nickel cadmium

· Meets ANSI/EOS/ESD Standard 11.11

· CE Approved

· NIST certificate included


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