
6ES7902-2AB00-0AA0 6ES7902-2AB00-0AA0

品 牌:德国Siemens 

数 量:海量库存,几乎所有型号; 

货 期:现货当日发,全新未开封,质保一年;






CP 300 > PROFIBUS > CP342-5" 选中于您订货号和版本号对应的CP342-5,插入到S7300站对应的槽位中,注意如果您购买的是Version5.1,而组态中只能够找到Version5.0,您可以选用Version5.1替代Version5.0.。    4.在插入CP342-5的过程中,会弹出一个PROFIBUS属性窗口,请点击”New…”按钮,创建一个PROFIBUS网络PROFIBUS(1) ,并设定CP342-5作为从站的站地址为3。    5.双击CP342-5,打开CP342-5的属性窗口,在"Operating Mode" 标签页下选择"DP Slave" 选项,此时会弹出一个警示窗口,告知您如果要用CP342-5实现CPU和 PROFIBUS从站的通讯,必须调用FC1(DP_SEND)和FC2(DP_RECV)功能块,实现CPU与CP342-5之间的数据交换,而CP342-5与PROFIBUS的数据交换是自动完成的,不用编程。FC3和FC4用于诊断和通讯功能的控制,一般不用调用。    6.点击OK ,存盘编译。. 90:如何用CP342-5组态PROFIBUS主站?    1.在STEP7的SIMATIC Manager窗口中在插入一个S7300站;    2.重复以上组态从站步骤的2-4步,注意插入CP342-5时,不能点击”new…”按钮,而直接用鼠标选中以上创建的PROFIBUS(1)网络,点击OK;   在"Operating Mode"标签页中选择"DP Master"选项; 91:采用CP342-5的DP通讯口与采用CPU集成的DP通讯口进行通讯有什么不同,这两种通讯口功能有什么不同?    可以 通过CPU集成的DP通讯口或CP443-5模板的DP通讯口,调用Load/Transfer指令(语句表编程,如图2)、Mov指令(梯形图编程)或系统功能块SFC14/15访问从站上的I/O数据;    如果您使用342-5模块的DP通讯口进行通讯,那么您就不能使用Load/Transfer指令(语句表编程)、Mov指令(梯形图编程)直接访问PROFIBUS从站的I/O数据。采用CP342进行PROFIBUS通讯包括两个步骤:    1.CPU将数据传输到CP通讯卡的数据寄存器当中;    2.数据从CP342-5的数据寄存器当中写到PROFIBUS从站的Output数据区(反过来就是CPU读取从站Input数据的过程);CP342-5与从站的Input/Output数据区的通讯过程是自动进行的,但是您还必须自己手动的调用功能块FC1(”SEND”)和FC2 (”RECV”),完成CP342-5与CPU之间的数据交换。kit-text-stroke-width: 0px">上海翩飞自动化科技有限公司











名称:S7-200 CPU 222 CN 可编程控制器


参数:CPU222CN DC/DC/DC,8输入/6输出

产地: 南京

型号 名称 参数
常用通讯卡 6GK1561-1AA01 CP5611网卡 (PCI总线软卡,支持MPI,PPI,PROFIBUS-DP)
6GK1561-3AA01 CP5613网卡 (PCI总线硬卡,支持PROFIBUS-DP主站)
6GK1571-1AA00 CP5711网卡
6GK1562-1AA00 CP5621网卡
6GK1161-3AA01 CP1613网卡 (以太网10M/100M自适应,PCI总线硬卡)
DP通讯接头 6GK1905-6AA00 剥线工具
6ES7972-0BA52-0XA0 DP接头 90度电缆出线 不带编程口
6ES7972-0BB52-0XA0 DP接头 90度电缆出线 带编程口
6ES7972-0BA12-0XA0 DP接头 90度电缆出线 不带编程口
6ES7972-0BB12-0XA0 DP接头 90度电缆出线 带编程口
6ES7972-0BA42-0XA0 DP接头 35度电缆出线 不带编程口
6ES7972-0BB42-0XA0 DP接头 35度电缆出线 带编程口
以太网电缆与接头 6GK1901-1GA00 以太网剥线工具
6XV1830-3EH10 PROFIBUS拖缆
6ES7972-0AA02-0XA0 中继器
6GK1901-1BB10-2AA0 RJ45以太网接头 单只型号
6GK1901-1BB10-2AB0 RJ45以太网接头 10打包型号
6GK1901-1BB10-2AE0 RJ45以太网接头 50打包型号

老屏 型号 价格 新屏
OP177B 6" PN/DP 6AV6642-0DA01-1AX1 8900 KTP1000 DP口 6AV6647-0AE11-3AX0
MP277 10" 6AV6643-0CD01-1AX2 14800 KTP1000 PN口 6AV6647-0AF11-3AX0
MP277 10" 6AV6643-0DD01-1AX1 18000 KTP400 6AV2123-2DB03-0AX0
OP77A 4.5" 6AV6641-0BA11-0AX1 1810 KTP700 6AV2123-2GB03-0AX0
OP277 5.7" 6AV6643-0BA01-1AX0 11500 KTP900 6AV2123-2JB03-0AX0
OP17/DP 6AV3617-1JC20-0AX2 10700 KTP1200 6AV2123-2MB03-0AX0
OP7 6AV3607-1JC00-0AX1 6200 TP700 6AV2124-0GC01-0AX0
OP270 6AV6542-0CA10-0AX0 12000 TP900 6AV2124-0JC01-0AX0
TP270 6AV6545-0CA10-0AX0 10000 TP1200 6AV2124-0MC01-0AX0
TP177B 6AV6642-0BA01-1AX1 7100 TP1500 6AV2124-0QC02-0AX0
TP177B 6AV6642-0BC01-1AX1 5500 KP700 6AV2124-1GC01-0AX0
OP 012 12.1寸 6FC5203-0AF02-0AA1 12853 KP1200 6AV2124-1MC01-0AX0
TP170B 6AV6545-0BB15-2AX0 11000 KTP400 PN 6AV6647-0AA11-3AX0
TP177 micro 6AV6640-0CA11-0AX1 2400 KTP600 PN 6AV6647-0AB11-3AX0
OP 73 3" 6AV6641-0AA11-0AX0 1500 KTP600 DP 6AV6647-0AC11-3AX0
128MB存储卡 6AV6671-1CB00-0AX2 KTP600 PN 6AV6647-0AD11-3AX0
512MB存储卡 6AV6671-8XB10-0AX1 TP1500 PN 6AV6647-0AG11-3AX0
TP170A 6AV6545-0BA15-2AX0 3350 KP300 PN 6AV6647-0AH11-3AX0
6AV6642-0EA01-3AX0 没有货 KTP400 PN 6AV6647-0AK11-3AX0
6AV6644-0AA01-2AX0 28000元 15.1寸MP377 6AV6644-0AB01-2AX0
15.4寸TP1500 6AV2124-0QC02-0AX0
SMART1000 IE 6AV6648-0BE11-3AX0
SMART700 IE 6AV6648-0BC11-3AX0
TD200文本显示器 6ES7272-0AA30-0YA1
TD400C文本显示器 6AV6640-0AA00-0AX0
TD401C文本显示器 6AV6640-0AA00-0AX1

  订货型号 名称 数字量I/O点  
中央处理单元 6ES7288-1SR20-0AA0 CPU SR20 12输入/8输出 标准型CPU模块,继电器输出,220V AC供电
6ES7288-1ST20-0AA0 CPU ST20 12输入/8输出 标准型CPU模块,晶体管输出,24V DC供电
6ES7288-1SR30-0AA0 CPU SR30 18输入/12输出 标准型CPU模块,继电器输出,220V AC供电
6ES7288-1ST30-0AA0 CPU ST30 18输入/12输出 标准型CPU模块,晶体管输出,24V DC供电
6ES7288-1SR40-0AA0 CPU SR40 24输入/16输出 标准型CPU模块,继电器输出,220V AC 供电
6ES7288-1ST40-0AA0 CPU ST40 24输入/16输出 标准型CPU模块,晶体管输出,24V DC 供电
6ES7288-1SR60-0AA0 CPU SR60 36输入/24输出 标准型CPU模块,继电器输出,220V AC 供电
6ES7288-1ST60-0AA0 CPU ST60 36输入/24输出 标准型CPU模块,晶体管输出,24V DC供电
6ES7288-1CR40-0AA0 CPU CR40 24输入/16输出 经济型CPU模块,继电器输出,220V AC 供电
6ES7288-1CR60-0AA0 CPU CR60 36输入/24输出 经济型CPU模块,继电器输出,220VAC供电
数字量模块 6ES7288-2DE08-0AA0 EM DI08   数字量输入模块,8x24V DC输入
6ES7288-2DR08-0AA0 EM DR08   数字量输出模块,8x继电器输出
6ES7288-2DT08-0AA0 EM DT08   数字量输出模块,8x24V DC 输出
6ES7288-2DR16-0AA0 EM DR16   数字量输入/输出模块,8x24V DC输入/8x继电器输出
6ES7288-2DR32-0AA0 EM DR32   数字量输入/输出模块,16x24V DC输入/16x继电器输出
6ES7288-2DT16-0AA0 EM DT16   数字量输入/输出模块,8x24V DC输入/8x24V DC输出
6ES7288-2DT32-0AA0 EM DT32   数字量输入/输出模块,16x24V DC输入/16x24V DC输出
模拟量模块 6ES7288-3AE04-0AA0 EM AI04   模拟量输入模块,4输入
6ES7288-3AQ02-0AA0 EM AQ02   模拟量输出模块,2输出
6ES7288-3AM06-0AA0 EM AM06   模拟量输入/输出模块,4输入/2输出
6ES7288-3AR02-0AA0 EM AR02   热电阻输入模块,2通道
6ES7288-3AT04-0AA0 EM AT04   热电偶输入模块,4通道
信号板 6ES7288-5CM01-0AA0 SB CM01   通信信号板,RS485/RS232
6ES7288-5DT04-0AA0 SB DT04   数字量扩展信号板,2x24V DC输入/2x24V DC输出
6ES7288-5AQ01-0AA0 SB AQ01   模拟量扩展信号板,1x12位模拟量输出
6ES7288-5BA01-0AA0 SB BA01   电池信号板,支持CR1025纽扣电池
附件 6EP1332-1LA00 PS207   PLC 电源,24V DC/2.5A
6EP1332-1LA10 PS207   PLC 电源,24V DC/4A
6GK7277-1AA00-0AA0 CSM1277   以太网交换机,4端口

类型 型号 名称 数字量 模拟量
CPU 6ES7212-1AB23-0XB8 CPU222CN DC/DC/DC 8输入/6输出  
6ES7212-1BB23-0XB8 CPU222CN AC/DC/继电器 8输入/6输出  
6ES7214-1AD23-0XB8 CPU224CN DC/DC/DC 14输入/10输出  
6ES7214-1BD23-0XB8 CPU224CN AC/DC/继电器 14输入/10输出  
6ES7214-2AD23-0XB8 CPU224XP CN DC/DC/DC 14输入/10输出  
6ES7214-2AS23-0XB8 CPU224XPsi CN DC/DC/DC 14输入/10输出  
6ES7214-2BD23-0XB8 CPU224XP CN AC/DC/继电器 14输入/10输出  
6ES7216-2AD23-0XB8 CPU226 CN DC/DC/DC 24输入/16输出  
6ES7216-2BD23-0XB8 CPU226 CN AC/DC/继电器 24输入/16输出  
扩展模块 6ES7221-1BF22-0XA8 EM221CN 数字量输入模块 8输入24V DC  
6ES7221-1BH22-0XA8 EM221CN 数字量输入模块 16输入24V DC  
6ES7222-1BF22-0XA8 EM222CN 数字量输出模块 8输出24V DC  
6ES7222-1HF22-0XA8 EM222CN 数字量输出模块 8 输出继电器  
SIMATIC > Product notes"), in section 4.4.1 under "Built-in MPI onboard and the MPI PC module -> Setting interrupts and addresses". 0x0312 Incorrect configuration parameters: Deinstall the CP5511 and reinstall it again. For this you click the "Select" button in the PG/PC interface (Fig. 1). Mark the CP5511 with the cursor in the right window (Fig. 3). Then click the "Deinstall" button. Now, (after restarting STEP 7) you can mark the CP5511 in the left window and click the "Install" button. For this activity you need to have administrator rights to your PC (see STEP 7 Readme file, section 3.1). 0x0313 Baud rate does not correspond with network or incorrect interrupt: Check the transfer speed (Baud rate) in the PG/PC interface and in the hardware configuration. The Baud rate must not be greater than the Baud rate that is supported by the slowest user. The PROFIBUS addresses configured in the hardware configuration must match the addresses of the system configuration. Check the interrupt and address assignments. Information on further procedures is available in the STEP 7 Online Help under "Setting the PG/PC interface", in the paragraph on "Checking the interrupt and address assignments" (Index: Check interrupt assignment). More information is also available in the STEP 7 Readme file ("Start > SIMATIC > Product notes"), in section 4.4.1 under "Built-in MPI onboard and the MPI PC module -> Setting interrupts and addresses". 0x0316 Hardware ressource already busy: If this error message occurs after the installation of the CP5511 in "Setting PG-PC interface 0x031a Cannot find any active PB/MPI network: Activate the function "PG/PC is the only master on the bus" in the Properties of the PG/PC interface (see Fig. 4). This disables an additional safety function against bus faults. You get to this mask via the "Properties" button - see Fig. 1. The requirement is that the interface parameters used are set to "CP5511(MPI)". 0x0318 Interrupt occupied: This message appears in most cases in Windows NT. In the BIOS of your computer change the "PnP" setting to "No". You get to the BIOS of your computer by restarting your PC and hitting the F2 key. 0x031b Synchronization error: Please check the bus parameters on the bus. These must match the bus parameters configured in the hardware configuration. Check the installation of the bus ca ble. 0x031c AMPRO2 system error: Activate the function "PG/PC is the only master on the bus" in the Properties of the PG/PC interface (see Fig. 4). Please check whether all the terminators for the PROFIBUS network are connected properly. It is also possible that the STEP 7 drivers are not installed or have been deleted or that an incorrect driver has been installed. In this case we recommend sending the CITAMIS.str file to Customer Support for checking. Another possible cause might be that the hardware is defective. 0x0320 Cannot find DLL/VXD as file: On your PC please find the file specified in the Windows Explorer via "Tools > Find > Files/Folders". Either the file is not on your computer or it is found twice. Please rename the file in the Windows system directory and then restart Windows. In the Registry, the references to the files are missing. Access to the required parameters from the Registry is not possible. Perhaps you don't have the required access rights or the system data is damaged. The drivers are not compatible with the operating systems. 73:哪些软件里含有CP5511,CP5512,CP5611,RS232 PC-Adapter 的驱动? 如果安装了相应的软件后包含“Set PG/PC Interface …”组件, 6ES7902-2AB00-0AA0