555 Turb 德国WTW


555 Turb 德国WTW,是由上海肯强供应, 手机: QQ:935581225 邮箱:935581225@qq.com ,产品价格优惠,欢迎致电我公司。

555 Turb 德国WTW :德国WTW


555 Turb 德国WTW的产品资料如下:

Turb® 555

Professional turbidity meters for the lab from 0.01 – 10.000 NTU according to drinking water standard, for quality, goods receiving and production inspections

Automatic measuring range switching up to 10.000 NTU

Highly precise AMCO Clear ® Standards

Comprehensive AQA

Different measuring procedures (NTU, FNU, FAU, Ratio,Nephelos…)

Turb ® 555 offers highly precise optics with several detectors and therefore allows nephelometric (90° stray light) measurement for drinking water as per DIN ISO 27027/ EN ISO 7027 / US EPA 180.1, transmission and ration measurements (ratio method). Ratio procedures reduce the influence of sample colorations and interference effects of stray light with high turbidity. Comprehensive AQA functions such calibration interval monitoring with protocol, password protection for calibration and setup access fulfill the quality assurance requirements. The calibration up to 4000 NTU takes place with highly precise AMCO Clear ® polymer standards (0.02 – 10.0 - 100 – 1750 NTU) that are called secondary standard for drinking water as per DIN ISO 27027, EN ISO 7027 or approved as primary standards as per US EPA. As an option, the measuring range can be expanded by a 10,000 NTU standard.

AMCO Clear ® standards

Polymer calibration standards excel Formazine by significantly higher accuracy and stability without drifting, which increases the measuring accuracy significantly:

Manufacturing tolerance of only ±1% for highest result accuracy

Long-term stable particle distribution and size

No health hazard

Easy to dispose of

N.I.S.T. traceability

Flow-through and continuous flow measurement of up to 4 bar possible. The measurement data can be sent to a PC or a printer timer-controlled via the RS232 interface.


Model Deion Order no.
Turb ® 555 IR Turbidity meter with infrared LED: nephelometric as per DIN ISO and Ratio with ACMO Clear ® Calibration standards (0.02-10-100-1750 NTU) 600210
Turb ® 555 Turbidity meter with tungsten lamp: nephelometric as per US EPA and ratio with ACMO Clear ® Calibration standards (0.02-10-100-1750 NTU) 600200

Technical Data

Measuring ranges NTU 0 … 10000 FNU 0 … 10000 (IR)
Reproducibility 0.01 NTU or ± 1% of the measured value
Cuvette size 28x70 mm, 25 ml sample volume
Power supply Power cable 100-240 VAC ±10%
Resolution (NTU) 0.0001 for range 0.0001 … 9.9999 0.001 for range 10 … 99,999 0.01 for range 100.00 … 999.99 0.1 for range 1000.0 … 9999.9
Accuracy (NTU) 0 … 1000: 0.01 or ±2% of the value 1000….4000: ±5% of the value 4000 …10000: ± 10% of the value

Matching and supplemental products


Turbidity standards


Modell Deion Order no.
Lamp Turb ® 550/555-WL Preadjusted replacement lamp tungsten-halogen for Turb 550 und Turb 555 (white light/T) 600603
Flow-Turb Flowmeter for low pressure applications (4 bar) with Turb ® 555 meters 600605
Cal.Std P 10000 NTU IR Turbidity standard 10,000 NTU for Turb ® 555 IR 600544
Cal.Std P 10000 NTU WL Turbidity standard 10,000 NTU for Turb ® 555 T/white light 600546
Cal.Kit P Turb 555 Calibration set for Turb ® 555 T (0.02-10.0-100-1750 NTU) incl. marking rings 600545
Cell Turb/SET Empty cuvette set 3 ea. for Turb 550/555 meters 600601
Lamp Turb ® 555 IR Preadjusted replacement lamp IR for Turb 555 IR 600608
D-Turb Flow vessel for Turb ® 550/555 meters, pressure-free 600600
Cal.Kit P Turb ® 555 IR Calibration set for Turb ® 555 IR (0.02-10.0-100-1750 NTU) incl. marking rings 600543


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