
西门子1FK7081-3BF71-1DG1 西门子1FK7081-3BF71-1DG1 1. 把从站的所有输入循环地复制到一个独立的区里。 2.如果从站出问题,则 OB86 被启动。在此 OB 里你可设一个 标志位来可防止进一步的循环复制操作。 3. 当从站返回总线后,你把 OB86 里的标志位复位。71:对 模拟量模块而言,如何处理未使用的通道? 如果模块带有MANA : 短接所有的未使用通道的M-到 MANA , 如果可能,连接MANA 到接地极,把模块的测量模式设置为: 0 - 20/ + -20mA. ,短接未使用的COMP+/COMP-. IC+ / IC-可以保持悬空。 如果模块不带有 MANA : 把所有未使用的通道M-连接到使用通 道的M-.等在输入端UCM > 2.5V 时,连接所有未使用的 M-到cpu 的接地或系统的接地. 把模块的测量模式设置为: 0 - 20/ + -20mA. ,短接未使用的COMP+/COMP-. IC+ / IC-可以保持悬空。 对于SM 331-7NF10-0AB0 模块在4 通道模式:禁止未用的通道, 这些输入端悬空即可 对于Ex 模块SM 331-7RD:未使用 的通道可以保持悬空72:上位 机与plc 进行通讯,硬件都需要哪些? 可以参照下图: 73:CP5511/5611 诊断测试后产生错误代码,代码的含义是什 么? 0x0300 Cannot find module: Please check whether the CP5511 is installed and slotted properly. Check the interrupt and address assignments. Information on further procedures is available also in the STEP 7 Online Help under "Setting the PG/PC Interface", in the paragraph on "Checking the interrupt and address assignments". More information is also available in the STEP 7 Readme file ("Start > SIMATIC > Product notes"), in section 4.4.1 under "Built-in MPI onboard and the MPI PC module -> Setting interrupts and addresses". 0x0312 Incorrect configuration parameters: Deinstall the CP5511 and reinstall it again. For this you click the "Select" button in the PG/PC interface (Fig. 1). Mark the CP5511 with the cursor in the right window (Fig. 3). Then click the "Deinstall" button. Now, (after restarting STEP 7) you can mark the CP5511 in the left window and click the "Install" button. For this activity you need to have administrator rights to your PC (see STEP 7 Readme file, section 3.1). 0x0313 Baud rate does not correspond with network or incorrect interrupt: Check the transfer speed (Baud rate) in the PG/PC interface and in the hardware configuration. The Baud rate must not be greater than the Baud rate that is supported by the slowest user. The PROFIBUS addresses configured in the hardware configuration must match the addresses of the system configuration. Check the interrupt and address assignments. Information on further procedures is available in the STEP 7 Online Help under "Setting the PG/PC interface", in the paragraph on "Checking the interrupt and address assignments" (Index: Check interrupt assignment). More information is also available in the STEP 7 Readme file ("Start > SIMATIC > Product notes"), in section 4.4.1 under "Built-in MPI onboard and the MPI PC module -> Setting interrupts and addresses". 0x0316 Hardware ressource already busy: If this error message occurs after the installation of the CP5511 in "Setting PG-PC interface 0x031a Cannot find any active PB/MPI network: Activate the function "PG/PC is the only master on the bus" in the Properties of the PG/PC interface (see Fig. 4). This disables an additional safety function against bus faults. You get to this mask via the "Properties" button - see Fig. 1. The requirement is that the interface parameters used are set to "CP5511(MPI)". 0x0318 Interrupt occupied: This message appears in most cases in Windows NT. In the BIOS of your computer change the "PnP" setting to "No". You get to the BIOS of your computer by restarting your PC and hitting the F2 key. 0x031b Synchronization error: Please check the bus parameters on the bus. These must match the bus parameters configured in the hardware configuration. Check the installation of the bus ca ble. 0x031c AMPRO2 system error: Activate the function "PG/PC is the only master on the bus" in the Properties of the PG/PC interface (see Fig. 4). Please check whether all the terminators for the PROFIBUS network are connected properly. It is also possible that the STEP 7 drivers are not installed or have been deleted or that an incorrect driver has been installed. In this case we recommend sending the CITAMIS.str file to Customer Support for checking. Another possible cause might be that the hardware is defective. 0x0320 Cannot find DLL/VXD as file: On your PC please find the file specified in the Windows Explorer via "Tools > Find > Files/Folders". Either the file is not on your computer or it is found twice. Please rename the file in the Windows system directory and then restart Windows. In the Registry, the references to the files are missing. Access to the required parameters from the Registry is not possible. Perhaps you don't have the required access rights or the system data is damaged. The drivers are not compatible with the operating systems. 73:哪些软件里含有CP5511,CP5512,CP5611,RS232 PC-Adapter 的驱动? 如果安装了相应的软件后包含“Set PG/PC Interface …”组件, 西门子1FK7081-3BF71-1DG1