with EPDM and FFKM versions to meet
LQX12 supports the pressure and flow requirements
This highly flexible design is 12 mm wide
the needs of your applications.
EPDM和FFKM 接液部件满足您的应用需求.
Parker's LQX 12 family of 12mm diaphragm
universal isolated diaphragm valve.
LQX12 is a high-performance 2-way and 3-way
needed by today's analytical,
bio-analytical, and clinical diagnostic OEMs.
and offers two different elastomer options.
isolation valves offer
• Secure electrical termination to female connectors
• Low internal unswept volume to minimize carryover and cross-contamination
with friction-locked latching electrical connection
• Optional ¼-28 ported sub-
• RoHS complian
and reliability in a wide range of liquid media
• tested leak rate ensures a tight seal on every valve
EPDM or FFKM elastomers for particulate tolerance
• Designed to be manifold mounted side-to-side on 12 mm centers
• 12 mm width allows for reduced system sizes and efficient packaging
• Environmental Analyzers
• Clinical Diagnostics Instrumentation
• Hematology
• Automated Slide Stainers
• DNA/RNA Synthesis