IAI CB-RCA-MA030, Controller Cable as photo, sn:xxxx.
IAI CB-RCA-MA030, Power Cable as photo, for motor, sn:xxxx
IAI CB-RCA-MA050, Controller Cable as photo, sn:xxxx.
IAI CB-RCA-PA010, Controller cable as photo, sn:xxx.
IAI CB-RCA-PA030, Encoder Cable as photo, for motor sn:xxxx.
IAI CB-RCA-PA050, Controller Cable as photo, sn:xxxx.
IAI CB-RCB-MA030, Motor cable as photo.
IAI CB-RCB-MA030, Motor cable as photo.
IAI CB-RCC-MA030, 3M Motor cable as photo, sn:xxx.
IAI CB-RCD-PA030, Encoder Cable as photo, sn:xxxx.
IAI CB-RCP2-PA050, Controller Cable as photo, sn:xxxx.
IAI CB-RCP2-PB030, Cable as photo, sn:xxx.
IAI CB-RCP2-PB030, Hanshin Cable as photo, sn:xx.
IAI CB-RCP2-PB030-RB & CB-RCP2-MA030, Controller Cables as 1st'photo, sn:xxxx
IAI CB-RCS2-PA030, 3M 10326 Cable as photo, sn:xxx.
IAI CB-SEL-SJ002, Programmable controller cable as photo, sn:xxx.
IAI CB-SEL-SJS002, Programmable controller cable as photo, sn:A, FTU.
IAI CB-SEL-SJS002, Programmable controller cable as photo, sn:B, Promotion 1
IAI CB-SEL-SJS002, Programmable controller cable as photo, sn:C, Promotion 2.
IAI CB-X3-PA030, ENCODER 3M 10326 Cable as photo, sn:xxx.
IAI CB-X3-PA030, ENCODER 3M 10326 Cable as photo, sn:xxx.
IAI control cable as photo, sn:set A, for Comunication controller.
IAI control cable as photo, sn:set A, for Input/Output controller.
IAI DS-S5M-100-CR-G, Robo Cylinder Linear stage as photo, sn:AD900395, dφm
IAI DS-SA5-I-20-3-200-T1 ,Slider Electric Actuator as photo, sn:75054
IAI Econ-I-60-1-JP, Drive as photo, Sn:06R5.
IAI ERC2, Motor with Controller head unit as photo, sn:set 1/3.
IAI ERC2, Motor with Controller head unit as photo, sn:set 2/3.
IAI ERC2, Motor with Controller head unit as photo, sn:set 3/3 Promotion.
IAI ERC2-RA6C-I-PM-6-100, Linear actuator without motor as photo, sn:3021.
IAI ERC2-RA6C-I-PM-6-100, Linear actuator without motor as photo, sn:6751.
IAI ERC2-RA6C-I-PM-6-100, Linear actuator without motor as photo, sn:7835.
IAI IA-ICM-100 Servo motor TAMAGAWA TBL-i , New - old stock exclude box.
IAI IA-ICM-100 Servo motor TAMAGAWA TBL-i , New - old stock without box as photo
IAI IAMC-5401 NP1/R, ED--5 as photo, sn:xxx.
IAI IA-T-X, Teach pendant as photo, sn:4326, untested.
IAI Linear stage actuator ball travel 300 mm. and 2Ph step motor as photo, Pro'
IAI Linear stage actuator travel 240 mm.& 2Ph step motor as photo,for MINI CNC
IAI LSA-S6SS-I-100-432-T2, Linear Servo Actuator as photo,sn:5815, Promotion 1.
IAI PCON-C-42PI-NP-2-0, Robo cylinder controller & cable as photo, sn:0053, lφo
IAI PCON-C-42PI-NP-2-0, Robo cylinder controller as photo, sn:0054.
IAI PCON-C-42PI-NP-2-0, Robo Cylinder Controller as photos, sn:6739.
IAI PCON-C-42PI-NP-2-0-JP, Robo cylinder controller & cable as photo, sn:8818.
IAI PCON-SE-42PI-N-0-0-JP, Drive as photo for RCP2CR-SA5C-I-42P, sn:9474, Pro'
IAI RCA2-GS3NA-I-10-1-30-A1-S, Robo Cylinde as photo, sn:6649.
IAI RCA2-TCA3NA-I-10-4-50-A1-S-G1, Cylinder as photos, sn:8506, Promotion.
IAI RCA2-TCA3NA-I-10-4-50-A1-S-G1, Cylinder as photos, sn:8507.
IAI RCA-E , Robo Cylinder E-Con Teach Pendant as photo, NEW Unbox, FTU
IAI RCA-E Robo Cylinder, Teach Pendant Programming as photos, New without box
IAI RCA-SA5C-I-20-12-150-A1-R03, ROBO Cylinder as photo, sn:8581.
IAI RCA-SA5C-I-20-12-150-A1-R03, ROBO Cylinder as photo, sn:8582.
IAI RCA-S-RMA, Controller Servo Driver as photos, sn:1305.
IAI RCA-S-RSW, Controller servo driver as photo, sn:1367, Promotion 2.
IAI RCA-S-RSW, Controller servo driver as photo, sn:1380.
IAI RCA-S-RSW, Controller servo driver as photo, sn:1997.
IAI RCA-S-RSW, Controller servo driver as photo, sn:2044.
IAI RCA-S-RSW, Controller Servo Driver as photos, sn:0017, pφx Promotion
IAI RCA-S-RSW, Controller Servo Driver as photos, sn:0846. Pro'.
IAI RCA-S-RSW, Controller Servo Driver as photos, sn:1322.
IAI RCB-TU-SIO-B, SIO converter RS232C as photo, sn:7345, Promotion.
IAI RCB-TU-SIO-B, SIO converter RS232C as photo, sn:7346.
IAI RCB-TU-SIO-B, SIO converter RS232C as photo, sn:7735.
IAI RCP1-RMA-I-PM-4-150-P1-M-B-FT-SU, Actuator without driver,sn:0939,Tested.
IAI RCP1-RMA-I-PM-4-150-P1-M-B-FT-SU, Actuator without driver,sn:1273,Tested,Pro
IAI RCP1-RSW-I-PM-10-100-P1-M-G1, Electric Cylinder as photo, sn:0853, Tested.
IAI RCP1-RSW-I-PM-10-100-P1-M-G1, Electric Cylinder as photo, sn:2485, Promotion
IAI RCP1-RSW-I-PM-10-100-P1-M-G1, Electric Cylinder as photo,sn:1200 pφx Pro 1
IAI RCP1-RSW-I-PM-10-100-P1-M-G1, Electric Cylinder as photo,sn:2677
IAI RCP1-RSW-I-PM-10-100-P1-S-G1, Electric Cylinder as photo,sn:4307
IAI RCP1-RSW-I-PW-10-50-P1-S-xx , Actuator without driver as photo, sn:6693, Pro
IAI RCP2-C-RMA-I-PM-0, Driver as photo, sn:1055.
IAI RCP2-C-RMA-I-PM-0-SP, Driver as photo, sn:1625, Promotion.
IAI RCP2-C-RMA-I-PM-0-SP, Driver as photo, sn:2860.
IAI RCP2-C-RMA-I-PM-0-SP, Driver as photo, sn:2916.
IAI RCP2CR-RTC-I-28P-30, Actuator Rotary as photo,sn:1227, For part not working.
IAI RCP2CR-RTC-I-28P-30-330-P1-R05-TA-SP, Actuator Rotary as photos, sn:3058.
IAI RCP2CR-SA5 350mm,Cleanroom Actuator, New without Box as photo sn:9549, Pro'
IAI RCP2CR-SA5C-I-42P-6-300-P1-S-NM-VR, Stage as photos, sn:0090.
IAI RCP2CR-SA5C-I-42P-6-300-P1-S-NM-VR, Stage as photos, sn:7043,
IAI RCP2CR-SA5C-l-42P-3-50-P1, ROBO CYLINDER as photo,sn:7050, Promotion.
IAI RCP2CR-SA5C-l-42P-3-50-P1, ROBO CYLINDER as photo,sn:7050, Promotion.
IAI RCP2CR-SA5C-l-42P-3-50-P1, ROBO CYLINDER as photo,sn:7790.
IAI RCP2CR-SA5C-l-42P-3-50-P1, ROBO CYLINDER as photo,sn:7790.
IAI RCP2CR-SA6 450mm, Cleanroom Actuator, New without Box as photos, sn9542, Pro
IAI RCP2CR-SA6C 400mm,Cleanroom Actuator, New without Box as photos, sn0630, Pro
IAI RCP2CR-SA6-l-PM-12-200-P1-R025, ROBO CYLINDER as photo,sn:3454.
IAI RCP2CR-SA6-l-PM-12-200-P1-R025, ROBO CYLINDER as photo,sn:3454.
IAI RCP2-C-RSW-I-PM-0, Driver as photo, sn:1359.
IAI RCP2-C-RSW-I-PM-0-SE-SP, Driver as photo, sn:0871.
IAI RCP2-C-RSW-I-PM-0-SE-SP, Driver&Cable for RCP1-RMA-I-PM , sn:0470,Tested.
IAI RCP2-C-SA6-I-PM-0, Driver as photo, sn:0545.
IAI RCP2-RA3C-I-28P-5-100-P1-R05, Robo Cylinder as photo, sn:1179, Promotion.
IAI RCP2-RA3C-I-28P-5-100-P1-R05, Robo Cylinder as photo, sn:1180.
IAI RCP2-RA3C-I-28P-5-100-P1-R05, Robo Cylinder as photo, sn:1181.
IAI RCP2-RA3C-I-28P-5-100-P1-R05, Robo Cylinder as photo, sn:1182.
IAI RCP2-RA4C-I-42P-10-200-P1-R03, Robo cylinder as photo, sn:0377, Promotion 1
IAI RCP2-RA4C-I-42P-10-200-P1-R03, Robo cylinder as photo, sn:8451, lφo
IAI RCP2-RA4C-I-42P-10-200-P1-R03, Robo cylinder as photo, sn:8451, lφo
IAI RCP2-RTCB-I-35P-30-330-P1-R03-SG, Rotary Actuator as photo, sn:5076.
IAI RCP2-RTCB-I-35P-30-330-P1-R03-SG, Rotary Actuator as photo, sn:5078.
IAI RCP2-RTCB-I-35P-30-330-P3-S-SG, Actuator Rotary as photo, sn:9932.
IAI RCP2-RTCB-I-35P-30-330-P3-S-SG, Rotary Actuator as photo, sn:9933, Promotion
IAI RCP2-RTCB-I-35P-30-330-P3-S-SG, Rotary Actuator as photo, sn:9934.
IAI RCP2-RTCB-I-35P-30-330-P3-S-SG, Rotary Actuator as photo, sn:9935.
IAI RCP2-SA6C, Travel 100mm, Actuator as photo, NEW without Box sn:3228.
IAI RCP2-SA6C-I-42P-12-600-P1-M, Actuator as photo, sn:3583,m
IAI RCP2-SA6-l-PM-6-500-P1-M, ROBO CYLINDER as photo,sn;9487, Promotion.
IAI RCP2-SA6-l-PM-6-500-P1-M, ROBO CYLINDER as photo,sn;9488.
IAI RCP2-SA7C-I-56P-4-300-P1, ROBO CYLINDER as photo,sn;1686.
IAI RCP-C-RMA-I, Robo Cyinder Actuator Controller as photo, sn:2642, Promotion.
IAI RCP-C-RMA-I, Robo Cyinder Actuator Controller as photo, sn:2646.
IAI RCP-C-RSAI, Robo Cylinder Driver as photo, sn:7715.
IAI RCP-C-RSW-I-SE, Controller servo driver as photo, sn:3988.
IAI RCP-RSAI-L-100-P-B-FL, Actuator as photo, sn:8558, For part not working.
IAI RCP-RSGSI-M-150-P-FT, Robo Cylinder as photo, Sn:7063.
IAI RCP-RSWI-H-100-S-G1-SU-SCB35-SP, Electric Cylinder as photo, sn:2803.
IAI RCP-RSW-I-H-50-S-SE , Actuator without driver as photos, sn:5366, Promotion
IAI RCP-RSWI-L-50-S-B-G, Actuator as photo, sn:0357, For part not working.
IAI RC-RMA-L-150-S-B-FT-AQ-SU, Robo Cylinder 150mm Stroke as photo, sn:2030.
IAI RC-RSW-H-100-M-G1-SU-SCB35-SP, Electric Cylinder as photo, sn:1882.
IAI RC-RSW-X-100-M-100-G1-SU-SCB35-SP, Robo Cyinder as photo, sn:4413.
IAI RC-RSW-X-100-M-100-G1-SU-SCB35-SP, Robo Cyinder as photo, sn:4413.