

出售安捷伦 4156B半导体参数分析仪

Three types of SMUs are available: 
HRSMU (high resolution SMU) 
Force and measure: up to ±100 V or ±100 mA. 
Maximum output power: 2 W. 
Minimum current measurement range: 10 pA with 1 fA resolution. 
Only the 4156B has HRSMUs. The 4156B has four HRSMUs. 
MPSMU (medium power SMU) 
Force and measure: up to ±100 V or ±100 mA. 
Maximum output power: 2 W. 
The 4155B has four MPSMUs, and the 41501A/B can be equipped with either two MPSMUs or one HPSMU. 
HPSMU (high power SMU) 
Force and measure: up to ±200 V or ±1 A. 
Maximum output power: 20 W. 
Only the 41501A/B has HPSMU. The 41501A/B can be equipped with either two MPSMUs or one HPSMU. 


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