GPR-2500S 氧分析仪


GPR-2500S 氧分析仪简单介绍联系人:丁先生  电话:   手机:  传真:   邮箱   邮编:200331

范 围:0-1%,0-5%,0-10%,0-25%可调
GPR-2500 S 百分氧变送器的详细介绍
精    度:1%满量程
范    围:0-1%,0-5%,0-10%,0-25%可调
应    用:对密闭大气中或被惰性气体,碳氢气体,He,或其它混合气置换后的区域进行氧含量检测
认    证:CE
区域等级:通用,选用的安全栅为本安型,可用于Class 1,Division 1,Group A-D防爆场所
报    警:无
标    定:使用浓度大约为80%量程或更高的经过的标准气体
补    偿:压力和温度
接    口:1/8”接头                           
控    制:量程选择开关,防水键,及系统功能
显    示:2.75"×1.375";分辨率:0.01ppm;实时显示温度及压力
外    观:NEMA 4X,4"×9"×3",8 lbs 
流量影响:0.25-2.5 L/M,流量:1 L/M                                    
线    性:>.995过所有量程
压    力:大气压力                          
电    源:两线制,12-28VDC,带安全栅时为24VDC 
灵 敏 度:<0.5%满量程
输    出:4-20mA
质 保 期:12个月,包括分析仪和传感器




Technical Specifications
Accuracy:  < 1% of FS range under constant conditions
Analysis:  0-1%, 0-5%, 0-10%, 0-25% FS ranges; auto-ranging or
manually lock on single range
Application:  Monitor oxygen content of ambient atmospheres or con-
fined spaces which could be depleted by inert, hydro-
carbon, helium or mixed gases
Approvals:  CE
Area Classification:  General purpose; with optional safety barriers meets rec-
ognized intrinsic safety standards for use in Class 1, Divi-
sion 1, Group A-D hazardous areas
Alarms:  None
Calibration:  Certified gas of O 2 balance N 2 approximating 80% of range
above analysis range recommended for optimum results.
Supplied with flow through adapter with tube connections
Compensation:  Barometric pressure and temperature
Connections:  1/8" compression tube fittings
Controls:  Water resistant keypad; menu driven range selection, cali-
bration and system functions
Display:  Graphical LCD 2.75 x 1.375; resolution .01 ppm; displays
real time ambient temperature and pressure
Enclosure:  Painted aluminum NEMA 4X, 4x9x3", 8 lbs.
Flow Sensitivity:  None between 0.5-5 SCFH, 2 SCFH recommended
Linearity:  > .995 over all ranges
Pressure:  Ambient
Power:  12-28VDC two wire loop power; minimum 24VDC with
optional intrinsic safety barriers
Response Time:  90% of final FS reading in 10 seconds
Sample System:  None - exposed to ambient atmosphere
Sensitivity:  < 0.5% of FS range
Sensor Model:  GPR-11-32-4 - requires no maintenance
Sensor Life:  36 months in air at 25ºC and 1 atm
Signal Output:  4-20mA
Temp. Range:  -10º to 45ºC
Warranty:  12 months analyzer; 12 months sensor
Wetted Parts:  Corrosion resistant material
Optional Equipment
Remotely located sensor
