
Model 5186
Differential Voltage Preamplifier

5186SRFPLarge.jpg (17709 bytes)

The model 5186 is a high input impedance low-noise AC-coupled voltage preamplifier which offers a true differential input. It has a frequency response from 0.5 Hz to 1 MHz and three switched gain settings of ?0 ?00 and ?000. It is a general purpose preamplifier which has the facility to be connected to grounded sources in a manner which breaks ground loops and since it has a truly differential input it can be used to measure floating sources such as the output from an AC bridge without imposing an asymmetrical load onto the source. It can be powered from its own internally housed (alkaline) batteries an external low voltage supply (?5 V or ?8 V) or from the model PS0108 remote line power supply (optional extra). This preamplifier can also be powered from most of our range of lock-in amplifiers and from the model 7310 noise rejecting voltmeter.

Noise Figure Contours (Typical)
5186nfig.jpg (34939 bytes)

ConfigurationBNC connectors true differential.
Impedance100 MW // 20 pF
Frequency Response0.5 Hz to 1 MHz
    x1000 gain> 110 dB (100 Hz to 1 kHz) degrading by 6 dB/octave above 1 kHz
    x10 or x100 gain> 90 dB (100 Hz to 1 kHz) degrading by 6 dB/octave above 1 kHz
Max common-mode input voltage x1000 gain5 V pk-pk
Max input without damage?5 V DC or 10 V rms. AC @ 50 Hz
Noisesee noise figure contours above. Typically 4 nV/root Hz @ 1 kHz and x1000 gain 10 nV/root Hz @ 1 kHz and x10 or x100 gain
Gainx10 x100 or x1000 switch selectable
Gain Accuracy?%
Gain Stability?50 ppm/degree C
Impedance450 W
Max voltage swing>10 V pk-pk
Slew rate> 22 V/祍
Distortion< 0.01% T.H.D.
PowerInternalFour 9 V alkaline batteries provide approximately 12 hours of use
Externala) ?5 V or  ?8 V DC @ 27 mA
b) 110 V AC or 240 V AC via optional external model PS0108 power supply
Dimensions (excluding connectors)8.25" wide x 11" deep x 3.5" high
(210 mm wide x 279 mm deep x 89 mm high)
Weight5.3lbs (2.4 kg) excluding power supply


