
Model 5188
Optical Input Preamplifier

5188ASR34Large.jpg (19032 bytes)

The model 5188 preamplifier has an optically sensitive input and is designed to be used as a light to voltage converter in situations where the signal to be amplified is derived from an optical source. There are two versions of the product differing only by the nature of the input detection device. The model 5188A has an InGaAs device which responds to near infra-red radiation while that in the model 5188B is silicon d and operates in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Sensitivity is switch-selectable with a choice of five settings which enables the amplifier to detect fractions of a picowatt without noise degradation on its most sensitive range while being able to accept optical power of up to 18 mW on its least sensitive range without overload.

The instrument has bandwidths from 25 kHz on its most sensitive range to 1 MHz on its least sensitive range. Input noise ranges from 70 fW/?/font>Hz to 15 pW/?/font>Hz for the model 5188A and 180 fW/?/font>Hz to 25 pW/?/font>Hz for the model 5188B dependent on the sensitivity setting selected. An additional low-noise range denoted 10-8 W/V LOW NOISE is also provided this setting having a reduced bandwidth of 10 kHz.

Input signal connection is made via an FC/PC optical connector on the front panel of the unit. AC and DC components of the input signal are processed such that independent outputs for each are made available via BNC connectors also on the front panel. This will allow users to measure modulated and CW components of an input signal separately and perform for example ratios between them.

The model 5188 can be powered from its own internally housed (alkaline) batteries an external low voltage supply (?5 V or ?8 V) or from the model PS0108 remote line power supply (optional extra). This preamplifier can also be powered from most of our range of lock-in amplifiers and from the model 7310 noise rejecting voltmeter.

Device Type
Operating Wavelength
    5188A1000 nm to 1650 nm
    5188B400 nm to 1000 nm
SensitivitySwitch selectable (5 settings)
    AC Output10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-8 low noise W/V
    DC Output10-3 10-4 10-6 10-7 10-8 W/V
Calibration Factor
    5188ASensitivity setting x 1.3 at 1300/1550 nm
    5188BSensitivity setting x 2.2 at 830 nm
Stability?00 ppm/degree C
Frequency Response
    10-5 W/V setting0.5 Hz to 1 MHz
    10-6 W/V setting0.5 Hz to 800 kHz
    10-7 W/V setting0.5 Hz to 200 kHz
    10-8 W/V setting0.5 Hz to 25 kHz
   10-8 W/V low noise
0.5 Hz to 10 kHz
Max Optical Power at input
    10-5 W/V setting5188A: 10 mW; 5188B: 18 mW
    10-6 W/V setting5188A: 1 mW; 5188B: 1.8 mW
    10-7 W/V setting5188A: 10 礧; 5188B: 18 礧
    10-8 W/V setting5188A: 1 礧; 5188B: 1.8 礧
   10-8 W/V low noise
5188A: 100 nW; 5188B: 180 nW
AC Output
    Impedance450 W
    Max voltage swing> 10 V pk-pk
    Slew rate> 22 V/祍
Noise rms. referred to input
    10-5 W/V setting5188A: 15 pW?/font>Hz; 5188B: 25 pW?/font>Hz
    10-6 W/V setting5188A: 8 pW?/font>Hz; 5188B: 15 pW?/font>Hz
    10-7 W/V setting5188A: 200 fW?/font>Hz; 5188B: 350 fW?/font>Hz
    10-8 W/V setting5188A: 70 fW?/font>Hz; 5188B: 180 fW?/font>Hz
   10-8 W/V low noise
5188A: 40 fW?/font>Hz; 5188B: 150 fW?/font>Hz
DC Output
    Impedance10 kW
    Max voltage swing> ? V
Output due to photodiode dark current max
    10-3 W/V setting5188A: 1 礦; 5188B: 10 礦
    10-4 W/V setting5188A: 10 礦; 5188B: 100 礦
    10-6 W/V setting5188A: 1 mV; 5188B: 10 mV
    10-7 W/V setting5188A: 10 mV; 5188B: 100 mV
   10-8 W/V 5188A: 100 mV; 5188B: 1 V
PowerInternalFour 9 V alkaline batteries provide approximately 15 hours of use
Externala) ?5 V or  ?8 V DC @ 25 mA
b) 110 V AC or 240 V AC via optional external model PS0108 power supply
Dimensions (excluding connectors)8.25" wide x 11" deep x 3.5" high
(210 mm wide x 279 mm deep x 89 mm high)
Weight5.3 lbs. (2.4 kg) excluding power supply


