
Model 7310
Noise Rejecting Voltmeter

7310SR34Large.jpg (14243 bytes)

The model 7310 Noise Rejecting Voltmeter is a flexible instrument designed to offer the engineer or scientist the ability to measure signals that are accompanied by unwanted noise or interference.

The unit can best be visualized as a digital filter implemented using the latest digital signal processing (DSP) techniques followed by a true rms to DC converter and digital meter. The filter can be configured as a bandpass stage with adjustable center frequency and Q-factor as a low-pass filter with adjustable cut-off frequency or bypassed for broadband measurements. A separate analog line-frequency rejection filter adds yet further filtering flexibility.

Input signals may be from single-ended or differential voltage or single-ended current sources. After amplification but prior to the digital filter the discrete Fourier transform of the applied signal and noise can be calculated and displayed graphically on screen. This spectral display mode can then be used to adjust the filter controls so that the instrument is only measuring the required signal.

The model 7310 is very easy to use. All instrument controls are adjusted using soft-touch front panel push-buttons with the present settings and measured outputs being displayed on the centrally located cold fluorescent backlit dot-matrix LCD. Numeric outputs are shown in volts or amps rms or in decibels with respect to a preset reference level and maximum and minimum level indicators indicate the highest and lowest amplitudes since the last reset operation. A large-digits display mode is particularly convenient when using the instrument for a single type of test giving a very easy to read display.

A LabVIEW driver downloadable from  this site  supports all instrument functions.

Capable of measuring signals from DC to 60 kHz the instrument is ideal for many audio mechanical vibrational and electronic measurements.

Measurement Modes
AC RMS voltage or current
AC RMS voltage or current with respect to preset 0dB level
Average DC voltage or current
Average DC voltage or current with respect to preset 0dB level
Minimum signal since last reset operation
Maximum signal since last reset operation
DisplaysCold fluorescent backlit 64 ?/font> 240 pixel dot-matrix LCD with the following displays:
Main DisplayPrincipal instrument controls and digital and analog bar-graph displays of measured signals
Spectral DisplaySpectral density of input signal over selected frequency range with a linear or logarithmic power scale
Large Digits DisplayOne selected instrument output shown in large digital format
Graphical DisplayDisplay of one or two selected instrument outputs or auxiliary inputs as a function of time
Other MenusMenu system with dynamic key function allocation allowing access to all instrument controls. On-screen context sensitive help.
Signal Channel
Voltage Inputs
ModesA only B only or Differential (A-B)
Full-scale Sensitivity RangeAC measurement mode: 10  to 1 V rms in a 1-2-5 sequence;
DC measurement mode 1 mV to 1 V in a 1-2-5 sequence
Input Impedance10 MW // 30 pF
Maximum Safe Input30 V pk-pk
Voltage Noise5 nV/?/font> Hz at 1 kHz
CMRR> 100 dB at 1 kHz degrading by 6 dB/octave
Frequency ResponseAC measurement mode: 300 mHz to 60 kHz
Gain Accuracy0.2 % typ 0.6% max.(full bandwidth)
Distortion-90 dB THD (60 dB signal channel gain 1 kHz
GroundingBNC shields can be grounded or floated via 1 kW to ground
Current Inputs
Full-scale Sensitivity10 pA to 1  in a 1-2-5 sequence
Input Impedance< 250 W at 1 kHz
Maximum Safe Input30 V pk-pk
Voltage Noise130 fA/?/font> Hz at 1 kHz
Frequency ResponseAC measurement mode: 300 mHz to 60 kHz
Gain Accuracy?/font> 0.6 % typ
GroundingBNC shields can be grounded or floated via 1 kW to ground
Line Filter
TypeTwo cascaded analog second-order frequency rejection (notch) stages set to center frequencies equal to the line frequency (F) and twice the line frequency respectively
SettingsF 2F F&2F or disabled
Frequency RejectionEach stage gives greater than 34 dB attenuation at ? % of center frequency
Main ADC
Type18 bit ADC
Sampling Rate200 kHz
Digital Filter
TypeTwo cascaded second order digital filter stages giving an overall fourth-order response.
SettingsBandpass Low-pass or Flat
    Bandpass Center Frequency: 1.000 Hz to 60 kHz;
Q-factor: 2 to 100 in a 1-2-5 sequence
    Low-pass-3dB Frequency: 10 Hz to 28 kHz
True RMS - DC Converter & Output Processor
DeionTrue RMS algorithm implemented using a DSP running at a 200 kHz sampling rate and managed by a powerful 68000-series host processor
Output Zero StabilityDigital Outputs: No zero drift on all settings;
Displays: No zero drift on all settings:
Analog Outputs: < 5 ppm/
Output SmoothingTime Constant: 5 ms to 10 s in a 1-2-5 sequence;
Slope: 6 or 12 dB/octave
OffsetAuto and Manual offset of up to ?00 % of the full-scale sensitivity range applied prior to the RMS-DC conversion
Auxiliary Inputs
ADC 1 and 2
    Maximum Input?0 V
    Resolution1 mV
    Accuracy?5 mV at full-scale
Input Impedance1 MW // 30 pF
    Sample RateADC 1 only: 40 kHz max;
ADC 1 and 2: 13 kHz max
    Trigger ModeInternal External or burst
    Trigger input    TTL compatible
Signal Monitor
    Amplitude?0 V FS
    Impedance1 kW
Filter Output
    FunctionRepresentation of input signal after filtering by digital filter stage
    Amplitude?0 V ( = ?/font> 5.0 V in bandpass mode)
    Update Rate200 kHz
    Output Bandwidth (-3dB)25 kHz
    Output Impedance1 kW
DC Output
    Amplitude?0 V full scale
    Impedance1 kW
    Update Rate200 Hz
Auxiliary D/A Output 1 2 3 & 4
    Max Output?0 V
    Resolution1 mV
    Impedance1 kW
8-bit Digital Output8 TTL compatible lines that can be independently set high or low to activate external equipment
Power - Low Voltage?5 V at 100 mA rear panel DIN connector for powering SIGNAL RECOVERY preamplifiers
Data Storage
Data Buffer
    Size32k 16 and 32-bit data points may be organized as 1?/font> 32k 2?/font> 16k 3?/font> 10.6k 4?/font> 8k etc.
    Max Storage RateFrom NRV: up to 800 16-bit values per second;
From ADC1: up to 40000 16-bit values per second
InterfacesRS232 IEEE-488. A second RS232 port is provided to allow "daisy-chain" connection and control of up to 16 units from a single RS232 computer port.
Power Requirements
Voltage110/120/220/240 VAC
Frequency50/60 Hz
Power< 40 VA
Width350 mm (13.75")
Depth415 mm (16.5 ")
    with feet105 mm (4.1 ")
    without feet91 mm (3.6 ")
Weight8.1 kg (18 lbs)


