

 Model 7265
Dual Phase DSP Lock-in Amplifier


Models 7225/7225BFP and 7265

The table gives the specifications for the models 7225/7225BFP and 7265 DSP Lock-in Amplifiers. Where specifications differ between models they are shown on a gray background.



Input7225SRFPSmall.jpg (2162 bytes)
7225BFPSR34Small.jpg (2203 bytes)
ModeA only -B only or DifferentialA only -B only or Differential
Sensitivity2 nV to 1 V2 nV to 1 V
  FET Device10 MW // 30 pF10 MW //30 pF
    Bipolar Device10 kW // 30 pF10 kW // 30 pF
    FET Device5 nV/?/font>Hz at 1 kHz5 nV/?/font>Hz at 1 kHz
    Bipolar Device2 nV/?/font>Hz at 1 kHz2 nV/?/font>Hz at 1 kHz
C.M.R.R.> 100 dB at 1 kHz> 100 dB at 1 kHz
Gain Accuracy0.2% typ (full bandwidth)0.2% typ (full bandwidth)
Line Filterattenuates 50 60 100 120 Hzattenuates 50 60 100 120 Hz
ModeLow-noise or WidebandLow-noise or Wideband
  Low Noise2 fA to 10 nA2 fA to 10 nA
  Wideband2 fA to 1 礎2 fA to 1 礎
  Low Noise< 2.5 kW< 2.5 kW
  Wideband< 250 W< 250 W
  Low Noise13 fA/?/font>Hz13 fA/?/font>Hz
  Wideband130 fA/?/font>Hz130 fA/?/font>Hz
Gain Accuracy
  Low Noise?/font> 0.6% typ (midband)?/font> 0.6% typ (midband)
  Wideband?/font> 0.6% typ (midband)?/font> 0.6% typ (midband)
Dynamic Reserve> 100 dB> 100 dB
Frequency Response1 mHz to 120 kHz1 mHz to 250 kHz
Detection Modes
HarmonicnF (nF < 250 kHz n < 32)nF (nF < 250 kHz n < 65536)
Dual HarmonicN/ADetects and measures two different harmonics simultaneously
(F1 and F2 < 20 kHz)
Dual ReferenceN/ADetects and measures at two different reference frequencies simultaneously (F1 and F2 < 20 kHz)
Virtual Reference™N/ADetects a signal without a reference
(100 Hz
?/font> F ?/font> 60 kHz)
Spectral DisplayN/AComputes and displays graphically the input signal power spectral density at frequencies up to 60 kHz
NoiseMeasures noise in a given bandwidth centered on frequency FMeasures noise in a given bandwidth centered on frequency F
Fast outputs
  Time constant10 祍 to 640 祍10 祍 to 640 祍
  Outputs availableX & YX & Y or X & MAG
  Voltage for 眆ull-scale input?.5 V linear to ?00% f.s.?.5 V linear to ?00% f.s.
  Impedance1 kW1 kW
  Update Rate166 kHz166 kHz
  Roll-off6 dB/octave6 dB/octave
Other Outputs
  Time constant 5 ms to 100 ks5 ms to 100 ks
  Outputs availableX Y R q NoiseX Y R q Noise Ratio Log Ratio
  Voltage for 眆ull-scale input?0.0 V linear to ?10% f.s.?0.0 V linear to ?10 f.s.
  Impedance1 kW1 kW
  Update Rate200 Hz200 Hz
  Roll-off6 12 18 and 24 dB/octave6 12 18 and 24 dB/octave
Amplitude Range1 mV to 5 V1 礦 to 5 V
Amplitude SweepLinear: computer control onlyLinear: manual or computer control
Amplitude Resolution
  1 礦 to 4 mVN/A1 礦
  1 mV to 4 mV1 mVN/A
  4 mV to 500 mV1 mV125 礦
  501 mV to 2 V4 mV500 礦
  2.001 V to 5 V10 mV1.25 mV
Frequency Range1 mHz to 120 kHz1 mHz to 250 kHz
Frequency SweepLinear or Logarithmic: computer control onlyLinear or Logarithmic: manual or computer control
Impedance50 W50 W
Auxiliary Control2 ADC &  2 DAC with ? mV resolution ?0 mV accuracy in ?0 V 8 logic lines3 ADC & 4 DAC with ? mV resolution ?0 mV accuracy in ?0 V 8 logic lines
Data Buffer32k 16-bit data points32k 16-bit data points
InterfaceRS232 GPIB (IEEE-488).
A second RS232 is provided for "daisy-chain" connection of up to sixteen compatible instruments
RS232 GPIB (IEEE-488).
A second RS232 is provided for "daisy-chain" connection of up to sixteen compatible instruments