Rohde&Schwarz ZNB8 8.5 G矢量网络分析仪|罗德与施瓦茨
深圳市精诚电子仪器有限公司 咨询QQ1608980495
:罗德与施瓦茨 Rohde&Schwarz
Vector Network Analyzer, 2 Port, 8.5 GHz, N
The R&S ZNB vector network analyzers feature a wide dynamic range of up
to 140 dB (at 10 Hz IF bandwidth), low trace noise of less than 0.004 dB RMS (at
10 kHz IF bandwidth) and high output power of up to +13 dBm, which can be
adjusted electronically in a range of more than 95 dB.
The new analyzers combine high measurement accuracy with exceptional speed-
better than 10 s per point. They feature excellent temperature and long-term
stability, which ensures reliable measurements over several days without having
to recalibrate the units.
These short-depth, compact two-port and four-port analyzers leave plenty of
space on the workbench for the measurement application. They feature low
operating noise thanks to low power consumption and a sophisticated cooling
concept. The low power consumption also reduces operating costs and protects the