德国凯士比KSB涡轮蝶阀BOAX-B,ksb AMRI软密封蝶阀,对夹式蝶阀,安装在管道中间。蝶阀带中线型阀轴,可应用于水处理领域。硫化密封阀座上可替换的衬垫,蝶板带三个轴套。该产品可应用于水处理,配水管网,大坝,电厂及工业领域。
Structural features:
■The lower middle hole of the valve plate adopts the spherical friction surface design, which has smaller torque and better sealing.
■The valve seat has no backrest design, the torque is lighter, and it is convenient for the user to replace the valve seat.
■Flange-to-clip connection for multiple standards
■The water line design of the sealing valve seat and the flat design of the sealing surface of the valve plate completely avoid the clamping phenomenon caused by the pneumatic valve not opening for a long time.