冲洗机构 655840049)
喷射器阀瓣 5430670
橡胶弯头 5433583
排放阀 5435015
橡胶套 5435181
真空表 5437666(5437623)
橡胶管 5470214
执行机构 5775500
水软管 5778992
排放阀 5821700
全套按钮 5900200
套管 5917800
水路连接件 5980800
供水组件 5980801
通气窗 6540524
气动按钮 6541458
阀瓣 EVAC 5430670
抽冲机构 6558400115
特殊水阀 5774002
轴承 5490536
机械密封 5490662
垫片 5957600
轴承 5490548
小便池执行机构 EVAC 6541675
排污阀 6543003
喷射器 5780120
排放阀 5979000
软管夹 5990180
软管夹 5990210
电动阀 6540215
冲洗机构 6558400115
喷射泵 6541200
真空小便斗冲洗按钮阀 5979312
喷射器阀瓣 5430670
排放阀 5435015
橡胶管 5435169
轴承 5490548
水阀 5774010
特殊水阀 5774002
冲洗机构 5775500
水软管 5778992
气动按钮 5860303
止回阀 5959902
灰水阀系统 6541673
灰水阀 6542811
排污阀 6542988
喷射泵吸入阀 DN50 (4/HK50-1-130-F-W1)
垫片 EVAC5430848
水路连接件 EVAC5435169
气动按钮 EVAC5860303
喷射泵 6540369EVAC
执行机构 5775500
水软管 5778992
排放阀 5821700
全套按钮 5900200
止回阀 5959902
水路连接件 5980800
供水组件 5980801
灰水阀系统 6541673
排放阀 6542811
阀瓣组件 6543036
排污阀 6542988
小便池排污阀 6542810
垫片 5957600
机械密封 5490662
真空分配阀(坐式马桶) 114631
垫片 5957600
机械密封 5490522
排污阀 EVAC 5435181
叶轮帽 5431012
真空分配阀 114631
轴承 5490536
软管夹 5990180
Evac systems travel the world and they do so in any climate, whatever the weather. The versatility of our specially made solutions is almost legendary even operating at temperatures between minus 40 and plus 70 degrees Celsius at an altitude of up to 4.000 meters in the spectacular Tibetan railway.
Others toilet systems get catapulted to speeds of more than 370 miles per hour aboard the sophisticated Maglev train, where light weight and sturdiness are essential. Then there are many systems that brave the challenges of extremely heavy usage in commuter trains on all continents.