

        多功能电力仪表可应用于电力监控系统,能耗管理系统中。多功能电力仪表有串行口(RS-485),允许连接开放式结构的电脑网络;应用 Modbus-RTU通讯规约。上位机软件读取仪表的电流、电压、频率、有功功率、无功功率视在功率、电能、功率因数等,对建筑物能耗,工厂设备能耗进行监测,将多功能电力仪表的数据传到上位机软件,再通过上位机软件的数据分析功能,进行能耗管理,利用多功能电力仪表的开关量输入功能,采集和显示本地的开关信息,通过仪表的RS485数字通讯接口实现远程传输功能,即“遥信”功能。利用多功能电力仪表的开关量输出功能,通过上位机发送通讯命令,到达仪表,来控制开关量的输出端的闭合与打开(比如通过通讯远方分合断路器),也可用于各种场所的报警指示。自身丰富的功能,配合上位机软件,多功能电力仪表在工厂自动化,建筑物自动化,无人值守变电站,能耗管理系统,变压器、发电机组、电容器组和电动机的分布式检测等领域有着丰富的应用。



      The improvement of power system automation makes intelligent and high precision become the basic requirements of modern multi-function power meters. Most of the design schemes widely used in traditional power meters have problems such as hardware design difficulties, large data processing by software, and low measurement accuracy.
       A smart meter designed for power monitoring needs of power systems, industrial and mining operations, etc. As an intelligent and digital front-end collection element, it is used in various control systems and energy management.
        Disadvantages of traditional instruments:
In the original power system, a variety of mechanical instruments (such as watt-hour meters, ammeters, voltmeters, etc.) are often installed in high- and low-voltage power distribution cabinets to monitor the power system. It is time to go to all instrument points for manual meter reading to provide a data basis for future data analysis and processing. In this working mode, due to the installation of a large number of complicated instruments, the production operation cost and labor cost are greatly increased, and the work efficiency is low, and it is prone to record errors.
Because not only can be used in one table, but also can realize the functions of programming settings and data collection of the instrument by the host computer or handheld programmer through its communication interface, the use of multi-function network power meters can be greatly reduced Labor costs, reduce operating costs, and can greatly improve work efficiency. At the same time, the meter has perfect communication networking function, which is very suitable for real-time power monitoring system. It can be used locally or form a high-performance telemetry remote control network through the field bus.

[Synchro Intelligent 舜高智能]






Die folgenden elektrischen Parameter können in Echtzeit gemessen werden:
■ Spannung V: dreiphasige Phasenspannung, Netzspannung
■ Strom I: Dreiphasen-Netzstrom und durchschnittlicher und neutraler Netzstrom
■ Wirkleistung P: Wirkleistung jeder Phase und Gesamtwirkleistung
■ Blindleistung Q: Blindleistung jeder Phase und Gesamtblindleistung
■ Scheinleistung S: Scheinleistung jeder Phase und Gesamtscheinleistung
■ Leistungsfaktor PF: Leistungsfaktor jeder Phase und Systemleistungsfaktor
■ Frequenz F: Frequenz des Systems


