

西门子417-5H模块                西门子417-5H模块

6SN1118-0DB11-0AA0  CON.DIG.VSA-2A 6SN1118-0DB11-0AA0 K.DIRM  
6SN1118-0DB12-0AA0  CON.DIG.VSA-2A 6SN1118-0DB12-0AA0 DIR.ME  
6SN1118-0DB13-0AA0  CON.DIG.VSA-2A 6SN1118-0DB13-0AA0 DIR.ME  


联系人:田敏   (田工)


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 机:      Q  Q : 1944287917








公司主营:西门子数控系统,S7-200PLC S7-300PLC S7-400PLC S7-1200PLC 6ES5 ET200 人机界面,变频器,DP总线,MM420 变频器MM430 变频器MM440 6SE70交流工程调速变频器6RA70直流调速装置 SITOP电源,电线电缆,数控备件,伺服电机等工控产品。电话:   手机: 商务QQ:1944287917

产品编号 / 产品说明 目录价格 / 您的价格
5WG1110-2AB03 - Bus coupling unit, with BCU1, mounting depth 27 mm
5WG1110-2AB11 - Bus coupling unit, with BCU1, mounting depth 19/32 mm
5WG1193-8AB01 - Bus terminal, 2-pole, 4 plug-in connectors, red/dark gray
5WG1261-1AB01 - Binary input device, 4 x AC/DC 24 V
5WG1301-1AB01 - Logic module
5WG1512-1AB01 - Load switch, 8 x AC 230 V, 16 A, C load
5WG1521-1AB01 - Shutter / blind actuator, 4 x AC 230 V, 6 A (2 x parallel)
5WG1526-1AB02 - Switch / dimming actuator, 3 x 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 6 A, with integrated constant light level control
5WG1116-2AB11 - DELTA bus coupling unit, double, intermediate position, with 2 LEDs
5WG1510-1AB04 - Load switch, 4 x AC 230 V, 16 A, C load
产品编号 / 产品说明 目录价格 / 您的价格
5WG1110-2AB03 - Bus coupling unit, with BCU1, mounting depth 27 mm
5WG1110-2AB11 - Bus coupling unit, with BCU1, mounting depth 19/32 mm
5WG1193-8AB01 - Bus terminal, 2-pole, 4 plug-in connectors, red/dark gray
5WG1261-1AB01 - Binary input device, 4 x AC/DC 24 V
5WG1301-1AB01 - Logic module
5WG1512-1AB01 - Load switch, 8 x AC 230 V, 16 A, C load
5WG1521-1AB01 - Shutter / blind actuator, 4 x AC 230 V, 6 A (2 x parallel)
5WG1526-1AB02 - Switch / dimming actuator, 3 x 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 6 A, with integrated constant light level control
5WG1116-2AB11 - DELTA bus coupling unit, double, intermediate position, with 2 LEDs
5WG1510-1AB04 - Load switch, 4 x AC 230 V, 16 A, C load
