


Operation guidance

Technical parameters


Power voltage

       AC187-242V,  50Hz±2Hz, power consumption less than 5VA.

Operating conditions

       Temperature: 050

       Humidity:      Less than 90%RH


0.8”  LED (Red)

Power indicator and alarm indicator


       8 channels of Switch off and on (without voltage) for type XSSG/A-1. 8 channels of voltage for type XSSG/A-2


       Relay (Contact rating: AC 200V, 2A)


       When the input of a channel enters alarm state, the relay works and the indicator on panel is lightened, the LED of related channel is flickering simultaneously. Press the muffling key on the panel or on the terminators, the relay releases and returns to its original state, the LED of related channel shifts from flickering to lighting. If the input of the channel changes to non-alarm state, the LED of this channel is not lighting.

       Testing: Press testing key, all LEDs is light, the relay works.

The delaying time can be changed with the parameter Lb. The instrument will return to its normal state after reaching the delaying time.

       Muffling:       Both manual muffling and automatic muffling can be selected.

Parameter AFH is set as “0000”, manual muffling is available. The AFH is set between “0001~0050 “(seconds) the instrument will automatically muffle as it reaches the delaying time.


Parameter specification


Group 1   

       oA          Code

                     It should be set as “1111”, parameters in other groups can be modified.

oA is set as “0000” when the instrument is powered on or no key is pressed in a connective minute  

Group 2    

       Alo1~Alo8  Alarm pattern for channel one to eight respectively

                     “0000” stands for “switcher is on” or “higher voltage” is effective signal.

                     “0001” stands for “switcher is off” or “lower voltage” is effective signal.

Group 3   

       oFF1~oFF8    Availability option for channel one to eight.

                     “0000” stands for the selected channel is available.

              “0001” stands for the selected channel is unavailable.

Group 4    

       Lb   Delaying time for testing (sec)

Press “Testing” key, the instrument enters testing state, it will back to normal after the delaying time.

       AFH       Delaying time for muffling (sec)

              “0000” stands for manual muffling

              “0001 (sec)~0050 (sec)” stands for the delaying time of automatic muffling.


Parameter setting

Set key           Press more than 2sec to enter setting state

In setting state, when parameter symbol is displayed, press two seconds or so to enter next group of parameters. In setting state, the instrument will exit to setting state if pressing the key without loosing

Left key         Press to display value of parameter

Press to move the digit of setting value


圆角矩形: MMod key         Press to save modified parameter value

                     Press to shift one parameter to another

Increase key   Press to increase parameter value

Decrease key   Press to decrease parameter value


Notice           The output relay cannot remain its state because of automatic muffling, if AFH is not set as “0000”.
