

回收ZVC网络分析仪ZVCE二手回收ZVC网络分析仪ZVCE联系雷先生ZVC,ZVCE 20K/300K-8.5GHz 矢量网络分析仪





ZVM (active couplers) 10MHz-20GHz
ZVK (active couplers) 10MHz-40GHz
ZVR, ZVRE(active bridges) 300kHz-4GHz
ZVR, ZVRE, ZVRL(passive bridges) 9kHz-4GHz
ZVR, ZVRE, ZVRL(with Ext. Measurements option) 10Hz-4GHz
ZVC, ZVCE (active bridgespassive bridges) 20K-8GHz
ZVC, ZVCE (active bridges) 300kHz-8GHz
The Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) ZVC Vector Network Analyzer is a state-of-the-art analyzer for extremely fast, highly accurate, and versatile test equipment and is suitable for applications in R&D and production no matter how sophisticated. The R&S ZVC Analyzer is a compact instrument with an integrated generator, built-in test set and receiver, an electronic RF switch, two measurement channels and two reference channels.

Features and Specifications of the R&S ZVC Vector Network Analyzer include:
Test Set:  Bidirectional
Receiver Channels:  4
Wide Frequency Range:  20 kHz to 8 GHz   300 kHz to 8 GHz 
Wide Dynamic Range (with external measurement option):   >130 dB 
High Sensitivity:   <-130 dBm
High Measurement Speed:  
<125 µs/point (normalized)
<240 µs/point (fully calibrated)
High Sweep Rate:  >>25 sweeps/s (200 points)
Low Inherent Noise:  <-130 dBm (measurement bandwidth 10 Hz)
Fast IEC/IEEE bus (from marker request to data output (real and imaginary values)):  <15 ms (200 points)
High Frequency Resolution:  10 µH
Automatic two-port Calibration with AutoKal option
Manual Calibration Techniques:  TOM, TRM, TRL, TNA, TOSM,
Short Calibration Times:  <20 s
Large Display:  active 26 cm colour LCD
Internal PC with Windows NT suitable for PC Applications


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