FCM100ET P0926GS DC电源连接板DS200PCCAG10ACB用作驱动器和SCR电源桥之间的接口。安装替换DS200PCCAG10ACB板后,您可能有理由将驱动器的配置文件下载到笔记本电脑以供查看。您可以编辑配置文件并更改参数,以更新安装了更换板的驱动器的操作。
要下载参数文件,首先确保您有一条串行电缆,该电缆具有将驱动器连接到笔记本电脑所需的匹配端口。此外,确保笔记本电脑上的串行端口配置正确,可以与驱动器通信。使用控制面板上的命令启动下载,完成后,显示面板上显示下载完成的消息。2500V RMS port signal solation per UL
The ASCII driver provides a powerful connection between the1577internal application data
in the ProLinx unit and devices
3000V DC min. port 1to ground and port tosupporting serial ASCII communications (bar code scanners, linelogic power isolationrinters, legacy teminal d computer systems, etc).
Shipped wih Each UnilMini DIN lo DB- 9M serial cablesThe serial port on the gateway is userconfigurable to support ASCII4ft RS 232 configuration cablecommunications (Baud rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, etc). The ASCI
2.5mm screwdriverport can act as a Master (Send ASCII strings) or as a Slave (Receive
CD (docs and Conliguration uill)ASCII strings). or both.RS- 4221485 DB-9 to Screw TerminalASCII SpecificationsAdaplor (1 or 4, depending on ports)Avilable in up to four port configurations 1o0ProSoft Configuration Builderreceive and/or transmil data.ProSoft Configuration Builder (PCB) provides a quick and easy wayTransmit and Receive255 byles eachto manage module configuration files customized to meet your
bufer sizeapplication needs. PCB is not only a powerful solution for new
Transmit character with0 to 65535 mllisecond delay between eachconfiguration files, but also alws you to import information from
pacingtransmittled characler