NI PXIe-8133回收


NI PXIe-8133卡

二手、回收 热线:谢先生: (微信同号)

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  长期/供应/回收二手、安捷伦、美国泰克、美国福禄克、美国吉时利、 艾法斯、日本菊水、北京普源、台湾固纬、德国惠美、摩托罗拉、美国力科、 美国韦夫特克、德国罗德施瓦茨、英国马可尼、英国施伦伯杰、日本安立(安利)、日本爱德万、等国际。 

   电子测试仪器: 数字存储示波器、数字万用表、网络分析仪、频谱分析仪、无线综合测试仪、蓝牙测试仪、高低频信号源、电子负载、信号发生器、函数信号发生器、标准信号源、频率计、LCR数字电桥、无线综合测试仪 直流稳压电源、手机程控电源、电容测量仪、电感测量仪、扫频信号发生器、电话分析仪、示波器校准仪、耐压测试仪,绝缘电阻测试仪、接地电阻测试仪、泄漏电流测试仪、电参数测试仪、数字功率计、PCI-GPIB卡等。


The PXIe-8133 includes the quad-core Intel Core i7-820QM processor. Quad-core processors contain four cores, or computing engines, in one physical package. Previously, to fully exercise the available four cores on the PXIe-8133, applications had to be architected to create four independent execution threads by implementing programming strategies such as task parallelism, data parallelism, and pipelining. However, Intel introduced Turbo Boost technology to provide performance benefits for all types of applications without the application being optimized for multicore processors. It can significantly reduce test times for processor-intensive applications. 

High Bandwidth
The PXIe-8133 features the Intel Core i7-820QM processor and uses advancements in PCI Express technology. This processor provides four x4 (“by four”) PCI Express Gen 2 lanes to the PXI chassis backplane. This delivers up to 2 GB/s of dedicated slot bandwidth, with the overall system bandwidth of up to 8 GB/s. Pairing the PXIe-8133 with a PXI Express chassis, such as the PXIe-1082 or PXIe-1075, you can simultaneously stream a larger set of I/O channels to the controller’s system RAM to create larger and more complex data record and playback applications. 

In-ROM Diagnostics
To improve the serviceability of the PXIe-8133, you can quickly access in-ROM diagnostics for the hard drive and memory without requiring external third-party tools. By running these diagnostics, you can determine if you need to replace the hard drive or memory. The controller design allows for quick field replacement of critical components such as the hard drive and memory without affecting the warranty. To ease the process of purchasing spare components, hard drive and memory upgrades are available with the PXIe-8133. Combining all these features significantly improves PXIe-8133 serviceability. 

To configure a complete PXI Express system d on the PXIe-8133, visit the Configure System under the Resources tab.
