

进口青铜对夹止回阀又称单向阀或逆止阀,其作 用是有效地防止管路中的介质倒流。主要用于介质单向流动的管道上,只允许介质向一个方向流动,以防止事故发生。


Compared with other material, Bronze Wafer Check valves are good choices for industries which require the following characteristics: Desalination and Highly corrosive environments. Hank manufactures different types of Bronze Wafer Check valves which are suitable for Chemical and Oil Industries, Sea Water Service, Desalination Plants, Off-Shore and Platforms.
Hank® mainly produces Bronze Wafer Check valves according to the standard of API 600. We call them API 600 Bronze valves.According to different design standards, Hank® provides you DIN Bronze valves as well, for example, Bronze Wafer Check valve.
The characteristics of the Hank Bronze Wafer Check valves are of corrosion resistance , oxidation resistance , electric resistance and clean sanitation. These features make Bronze Wafer Check valves special and incomparable to other l material valves.
A Bronze Wafer Check valve is a valve which can be used for isolating or regulating flow.
Face to Face Dimensions: ANSI B16.10
Flange end Dimension :ANSI B16.5
Design and Manufacture:API 594
Pressure Test:API598

Materials: C95800、C95500、C95200、C95300、C95600、C61900、C63200, ect.


Class150-600Lb Bronze Wafer Check Valve
NPS in 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12
50Lb L mm 60 67 73 73 86 98 127 146 181 184 191 203 219 222
D mm 103 122 135 173 196 222 279 339 409 450 5
D1 mm 120.5 139.5 152.5 190.5 216 241.5 298.5 362 432 476 540 578 635 749.5
D2 mm 92 105 127 157 186 216 270 324 381 413 470 533 584 692
n-Фd mm 4-19 4-19 4-19 8-19 8-22 8-22 8-22 12-25 12-25 12-29 16-29 16-32 20-32 20-35
300Lb L mm 60 67 73 73 86 98 127 2      
D mm 110 128 148 180 215 250 307 361 422 485 539      
D1 mm 127 149 168.5 200 235 270 330 387.5 451 514.5 571.5      
D2 mm 92 105 127 157 186 216 270 324 381 413 470      
n-Фd mm 8-19 8-22 8-22 8-22 8-22 12-22 12-25 16-29 16-32 20-32 20-35      
600Lb L mm 60 67 73 79 105 137 165 2      
D mm 110 129 148 192 240 265 319 399 456 489 562      
D1 mm 127 149 168.5 216 267 292 349 432 489 527 603      
D2 mm 92 105 127 157 186 216 270 324 381 413 470      
n-Фd mm 8-19 8-22 8-22 8-25 8-29 12-29 12-32 16-35 20-35 20-38 20-41    
德国汉克(HANK)进口阀门成立于1852年创建于门兴格拉德巴赫(Monchengladbach)是位于德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州首府杜塞尔多夫市以西的一座城市。于19世纪50年代初德国经济快速发展,由于德国能源短缺,政府在节能方面加大力度,因此HANK(Trouble Less valve没有故障的阀门)公司成立。汉克阀门是以生产高品质、的阀门、测量及控制系统而享誉全球的跨国性生产企业,在全球几十个拥有子公司及分支机构,公司产品涉及用途:石油、化工、电力、冶金、制药、食品、水处理、市政给排水、天然气、造纸、电子工业、楼宇、机械设备配套等领域。
GERMANY HANK VALVE LIMITED is founded on 1852 in Monchengladbach,which is located at one city in North Rhine in Germany, which is the west of Nordrhein-Westfalen. At the beginning of 1850s, as the rapid development of economic and the shortages of energy in Germany , the government had been in saving energy aspect. On this occasion, HANK Valve (Trouble Less Valve) was established.Hank valve is the world-famous transnational production enterprise,which produces high quality and advanced valve, measurement and control system, and which has its divisions and branches in dozens of countries in the global. The company products user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the llurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the ermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necessary ect..
The conclusion of the valve concept in German Hank valve is resposibility,foresight,innovation. For ourselves resposibility, foresight and focusing on creating unprecendented solution and concept,our company has become the lead of valve manufacturer in the global.


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