AE2000-SW 4P 2000A 【固定式】




                                            TEL: 陈贵宇(手机微信同号)




The requirements of Japan and international standards can be summarized as: overcurrent protection must be able to cut off short circuit currents that may flow through protective devices. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a short-circuit current method for calculating various circuits in low voltage systems.

供应原装三菱AE2000-SW 4P 2000A 【固定式】现货

(1.) definition
1. % 阻抗值
1% impedance
以基准电压的百分数表示的由基准电流形成的电压降(用于使用 % 阻抗方法的短路电流计算)。
A voltage drop formed by a reference current expressed as a percentage of a reference voltage (used to calculate short circuit currents using a% impedance method).
Reference voltage
容量负荷上的电压降 %阻抗值 = x 100 (%)(基准电压:3 相 - 相电压)
Voltage drop% impedance on capacity load = x 100 (%) (reference voltage: 3 phase phase voltage)
2. 基准容量
2. benchmark capacity
由用于计算 % 阻抗的额定电流和电压决定的容量(通常使用 1000kVA)。
Capacity determined by the rated current and voltage used to calculate the percent impedance (usually using 1000kVA).
3. 单位阻抗值
3. unit impedance
以小数表示的 % 阻抗值(用于使用单位量方法的短路电流计算)。
The percent impedance value expressed in decimal (used to calculate short circuit currents using the unit quantity method).
4. 电源短路容量
4. short circuit capacity
3相电源(MVA) = kl3 x 额定电压(kV) ×短路电流(kA)
3 phase power supply (MVA) = KL3 x rated voltage (kV) * short-circuit current (kA)

5. 电源阻抗值
5. power impedance value
由电源短路容量计算得到的阻抗值(通常由电力公司;如果未,对于 3 相电源,它用 X/R 比定义为 1000MVA 和X/R=25(来自 NEMA.AB1))。
The impedance value calculated by the short-circuit capacity of the power supply (usually specified by the power company; if not specified, for the 3 phase power supply, it is defined as 1000MVA and X/R=25 by X/R ratio (from NEMA.AB1).
6. 电动机作用电流
6. motor action current
电动机转动时,它起发动机的作用;发生短路时,它成为短路电流的增大因素。(电动机的电流影响必须包括在测量 3 相电路的短路电流中)。
When the motor is turned, it acts as an engine; when short circuited, it becomes a factor in increasing the total short-circuit current. (the influence of the electric current of the motor must be included in measuring the short circuit current of the 3 phase circuit).
7. 电动机阻抗
7. motor impedance
有影响的电动机的内部阻抗。(与变压器容量相等的有影响的电动机假定与变压器同位置,其 % 阻抗值和 X/R 值假定为 25% 和6(来自 NEMA.AB1))。
Internal impedance of an influential motor. An equivalent motor with the capacity of the transformer assumed to be in the same position with the transformer, whose% impedance values and X/R values are assumed to be 25% and 6 (from NEMA.AB1).
8. 电源全阻抗
8. full impedance of power supply
Impedance vectors of power supplies (ZL), transformers (ZT) and motors (ZM), and.
3 相电源的全阻抗为
The full impedance of the 3 phase power supply is
ZL + ZT + ZM (ZL + ZT) • ZM (Zs) = (%Ω)
ZL + ZT + ZM (ZL + ZT) - ZM (Zs) = (%)
9. 短路电流测量位置
9. short circuit current measuring position
决定 MCCB 所需的断路容量时,短路电流一般由断路器供电侧的阻抗算出。
When determining the breaking capacity required by the MCCB, the short-circuit current is generally calculated from the impedance of the circuit breaker power supply side.
A summary of Japanese standards.

(2.) impedance and equivalent circuit of circuit component
When calculating a low-voltage short-circuit current, all impedances from the generator (motor) to the point of short-circuit must be included; moreover, the current delivered by the motor is operated in a load. Method is as follows:
1. 电源阻抗 (ZL)
1. power supply impedance (ZL)
从电源到变压器一次侧端子的阻抗可以从电力公司的短路容量(若已知)算出。否则,对于 3 相电源,它和 X/R 定义1000MVA 和X/R=25。请注意,如果它比其它电路阻抗小得多,则将它完全忽视。
From the mains to the transformer, the impedance of the primary side terminal can be calculated from the short-circuit capacity specified by the power company (if it is known). Otherwise, for the 3 phase power, it and X/R define 1000MVA and X/R=25. Note that if it is much less impedance than other circuits, it will be completely ignored.
2. 变压器阻抗 (ZT)
2. transformer impedance (ZT)
It and line impedance are the most important factors to determine the short-circuit current. The transformer capacity is set to a percentage of the transformer capacity; therefore, it must be converted to a reference capacity value (if Ohm's law is used, converted to an ohmic value).

 9.1 给出变压器的典型阻抗值,它们可以在变压器
Table 9.1 gives typical impedance values for transformers, which can be used in transformers
Use when impedance is unknown.
3. 电动机作用电流和阻抗 (ZM)
3. motor action current and impedance (ZM)
在考虑 3 相短路电流时,必须包括一台以上电动机发出的附加电流,电动机阻抗取决于机型和容量等,但对于典型的感应电动机,% 阻抗可以取 25%,X/R取 6。短路电流因此随电动机容量和到达短路点位置的阻抗而增大通常可以进行下列假设。
In considering the 3 phase short circuit fault current, must include additional current issued more than one motor, motor impedance depends on the type and capacity, but for the typical induction motor,% impedance is 25%, X/R 6. The short circuit current thus increases with the motor capacity and the impedance at the point of short circuit, and the following assumptions can often be made.
a. 影响电流可以看成是来自一台位于变压器位置的单一电动机。
The total influence current of the A. can be viewed as a single motor from a transformer position.
b. 电动机影响的输出(VA)可以看成与变压器的容量相等(即使实际上较大)。而且,功率因数和效率可以假定为 0.9;因此,所得到的电动机影响输出约为变压器容量的 80%。
The total output (VA) affected by the B. motor can be considered equal to the capacity of the transformer (even though it is actually larger). Moreover, the power factor and efficiency can be assumed to be 0.9; therefore, the resulting motor influences output about 80% of the transformer capacity.
c. 单一电动机的 % 阻抗可以看成为 25%,X/R 为 6。
The percent impedance of the C. single motor can be seen to be 25% and X/R to 6.
