上海昊征自动化科技有限公司本着“以人为本、科技先导、顾客满意、持续改进”的工作方针,致力于工业自动化控制领域的产品开发、工程配套和系统集成,拥有丰富的自动化产品的应用和实践经验以及雄厚的技术力量,尤其以PLC复杂控制系统、传动技术应用、伺服控制系统、数控备品备件、人机界面及网络/软件应用为公司的技术特长。几年来,上海昊征自动化科技有限公司与德国SIEMENS公司自动化与驱动部门的长期紧密合作过程中,建立了良好的相互协作关系,在可编程控制器、交直流传动装置方面的业务逐年成倍增长,为广大用户提供了SIEMENS的新技术及自动控制的 解决方案。
Q Q:455499155
PROFIdrive defines the device behavior and technique to access internal device data for electric drives connected to PROFINET and PROFIBUS – from basic frequency converters up to high-performance servo controllers.
It describes in detail the practical use of communication functions – slave-to-slave communication, equidistance and clock cycle synchronization (isochronous mode) in drive applications. In addition, it specifies all device characteristics which influence interfaces connected to a controller over PROFINET or PROFIBUS. This also includes the state machine (sequence control), the encoder interface, scaling of values, definition of standard telegrams, access to drive parameters etc.
The PROFIdrive profile supports both central as well as distributed motion control concepts.
For devices and systems used in automation technology, profiles define properties and modes of behavior. This allows manufacturers and users to define common standards. Devices and systems that comply with such a cross-manufacturer profile, are interoperable on a fieldbus and, to a certain degree, can be interchanged.
A distinction is made between what are known as application profiles (general or specific) and system profiles:
PROFIdrive has been specified by the PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI) user organization, and is specified as a standard that is fit for the future through standard IEC 61800-7.
The PROFIdrive profile tries to keep the drive interface as simple as possible and free from technology functions. As a result of this philosophy, referencing models as well as the functionality and performance of the PROFINET/PROFIBUS master have either no influence or only a low influence on the drive interface.
The integration of drives into automation solutions depends very strongly on the particular drive application. In order to be able to address the complete, huge bandwidth of drive applications – from basic frequency converters up to synchronized multi-axis systems with a high dynamic performance – using just one profile, PROFIdrive defines six application classes, to which most drive applications can be assigned:
PROFIdrive defines a device model comprising function modules, which interoperate inside the device and which reflect the intelligence of the drive system. These modules have
In contrast to other drive profiles, PROFIdrive defines only the access mechanisms to the parameters as well as a subset of profile parameters (approx. 30) such as the fault buffer, drive control and device identification.
All other parameters are vendor-specific which gives drive manufacturers great flexibility with respect to implementing control functions. The elements of a parameter are accessed acyclically over data records.
As a communication protocol, PROFIdrive uses DP-V0, DP-V1, and the DP-V2 expansions for PROFIBUS including the functions "Slave-to-Slave Communication" and "Isochronous Operation", or PROFINET IO with real-time classes RT and IRT.