


进口立式消防泵产品概述Product deion


The units in the original vertical multistage pumps on the basis of a new generation developed low-pressure fire pump products according to the latest standards for fire pump requirements. This series of pumps in the performance, structure, materials and support to meet all the requirements of the fire pump. As a result of excellent hydraulic model, so the pumps have to meet user requirements; with vertical pump structure, with high efficiency, wide range of performance characteristics can be better advantage of saving footprint: high quality bearings and high-quality motor, run the pump is more safe and reliable, low noise and vibration; balanced by hydraulic axial force, reduce the balance drum, can run more smoothly. Its shaft seal mechanical seals and packing in two forms, the pump has a flange out of the water pipeline layout, high speed, light weight and other characteristics.

进口立式消防泵主要用途The main purpose


For various occasions such as residential, hotels, office buildings, commercial buildings factories, hospitals, etc. The fire water supply.。

更多参数及资料请咨询:惠州博雷阀门有限公司 林生
