

PN 16: 标准阀 MXF461、M3P..FY

PN16 标准阀

二通/三通阀 MXF461 DN15 至 DN65(M3P..FY  DN 80 至 DN 100),带集成电磁执行器;阀体: 铸铁 (GG20) 并带黄铜镶边;可选阀特性: 等百分比或线性;kVS可达 130 m2/h;中间温度: 1…130 °C;2 秒定位时间;高分辨率位移(1: 1000).



- 2 /3 通阀 MXF461 M3P..FY

PN 16: 高温水和蒸汽高性能阀 MVF461H
PN16 高性能阀

二通快速 MVF461H 阀 DN15 至 DN50,带集成电磁执行器,阀体: 球墨铸铁 EN-GJL-400-18-LT 和不锈钢镶边;可选阀特性; 等百分比或线性;kVS可达 30 m2/h;中间温度: 1…180 °C



- 二通阀 MVF461H

PN 16: 通用阀 M3K..FX..N

PN16 通用阀

二通/三通阀 M3K..FX..N DN 15 到 DN 50,带集成电瓷执行器,阀体: 球墨铸铁 EN-GJL-400-18-LT 和不锈钢镶边;等百分比阀特性;KVS多达 30 m3/h;中间温度: -20…180 °C



- 2- /3 通阀 M3K..FX..N



M2FP03GX M3P100FY MVF461H40-20 MXF461.15-1.5 MXF461.40-20 MXG461.15-1.5U MXG461.40-20U
M3FB15LX/A M3P100FYP MVF461H50-30 MXF461.15-1.5J MXF461.40-20J MXG461.15-3.0 MXG461.50-30
M3FB15LX06/A M3P80FY MVL661.15-0.4 MXF461.15-1.5P MXF461.40-20P MXG461.15-3.0P MXG461.50-30P
M3FB15LX15/A M3P80FYP MVL661.15-1.0 MXF461.15-3.0 MXF461.50-30 MXG461.15-3.0U MXG461.50-30U
M3FB20LX/A MVF461H15-0.6 MVL661.20-2.5 MXF461.15-3.0J MXF461.50-30J MXG461.20-5.0 MXG461B15-0.6
M3FB25LX/A MVF461H15-0.6J MVL661.25-6.3 MXF461.15-3.0P MXF461.50-30P MXG461.20-5.0P MXG461B15-1.5
M3FB32LX MVF461H15-1.5 MVL661.32-12 MXF461.20-5.0 MXF461.65-50 MXG461.20-5.0U MXG461B15-3
M3FK15LX MVF461H15-1.5J MVS661.25-0.4N MXF461.20-5.0J MXF461.65-50J MXG461.25-8.0 MXG461B20-5
M3FK15LX06 MVF461H15-3 MVS661.25-016N MXF461.20-5.0P MXF461.65-50P MXG461.25-8.0P MXG461B25-8
M3FK15LX15 MVF461H15-3J MVS661.25-1.0N MXF461.25-8.0 MXF461.65-50U MXG461.25-8.0U MXG461B32-12
M3FK20LX MVF461H20-5 MVS661.25-2.5N MXF461.25-8.0J MXG461.15-0.6 MXG461.32-12 MXG461B40-20
M3FK25LX MVF461H20-5J MVS661.25-6.3N MXF461.25-8.0P MXG461.15-0.6P MXG461.32-12P MXG461B50-30
M3FK32LX MVF461H25-8 MXF461.15-0.6 MXF461.32-12 MXG461.15-0.6U MXG461.32-12U MXG461S15-1.5
M3FK40LX MVF461H25-8J MXF461.15-0.6J MXF461.32-12J MXG461.15-1.5 MXG461.40-20 MXG461S20-5.0
M3FK50LX MVF461H32-12 MXF461.15-0.6P MXF461.32-12P MXG461.15-1.5P MXG461.40-20P MXG461S25-8.0


常规型号  下午四点前付款 当天即可发货  授权  闪电发货
上海煦岳智能科技有限公司 杨工 手机 QQ2817786724 




















To the top of the pageTo the Top of the Page饭店解决方案 – 更舒适、更高效advantageThe controller has the function of communication through KNX? Exchange energy utilization information, to ensure the equipment is put into use to comfort level heating boiler, achieving the required refrigeration equipment, pumps and so on all Synco? HVAC controller provides procedures such function proved, to ensure that the best energy-saving device - whether in summer or winter.由于单独的室内环境室内环境,提高了舒适感。Link to more information:不区分冷却装置,即适用于任何冷却器厂商的产品供暖锅炉或制冷机应仅在对加热或制冷量有真正需求时运行。基于从加热、制冷或生活热水(DHW)区收到的信息,Synco?控制器自动通过KNX总线交换数据。利用从这些区获得信息控制器会计算所需的设定值,并按需供暖和供冷。这样就确定了聚合量或泵不会一直运行,因此小化了运行小时数。Anti SIEMENS expertsThe Advantage operating center can perform operations on various buildings, and can also perform operations on many different buildings in a single centralized location. SIEMENS trained experts can remotely monitor buildings, provide important information for your field personnel, and provide optimization for your buildings from remote locations..Die kontinuierliche überwachung, um die langfristigen vorteile.天然气或油燃器SIEMENS standardized multi-level planning cycle can help you explore building energy saving potential in any case. The savings in energy costs are usually balanced with investment costs within a few years.楼宇自动化和控制系统的用户接口上的工作流非常复杂:这就导致极需那种易于理解的图形显示器。The best stop control as early as possible is the disconnect heating loop, in order to ensure comfort or comfort for the change from preset economic mode, room temperature just below the preset value of comfort or comfort. Only when the room temperature sensor is used, will the best effect of stopping control be provided.Synco living - 提升舒适度适用于闭合回路,如加热组,DHW 储水箱加水,空气处理装置Kontinuierliche Optimierung西门子是室内恒温器产品的供应商,产品广泛应用于供暖、通风和制冷的各个方面 – 无论是住宅楼、宾馆、办公室还是公共建筑。 从简单的机电开/关恒温器、无线恒温器设备和带持续输出信号的室内恒温器到的触摸屏和高效Open Therm设备。大多数型号可以利用程序化版本,带有24小时或7天程序或非程序化设备,具有/不具有显示屏。According to the potential that has been determined, it is suggested that appropriate measures should be taken in the action plan to ensure the full realization of the goal of saving.To the top of the page点击应用或产品种类,选择产品:亮点集锦Success assurance chart西门子Advantage 运营中心 (AOC) 的采用 ECM 作为技术基础,确保您所执行的任何优化均可保持长期的。RAB.. - 室内恒温器QAX913 can control HVAC and security applications as well as data acquisition of light, shutter and consumption对于某个选定的带 HVAC 设备的建筑,该工具可通过 BACS 功能对节能潜力和二氧化碳减排量进行深入分析。执行器效率高,可靠和耐用No special training is required由于具有预先设定的节能功能,可提供高效能源并节省成本。In order to determine the total energy saving potential of your building and to assess the feasibility of the optimization measures, you need to record and check the energy consumption of the building continuously.überblick恒温器为特别定制产品,以便控制通风或空气调节装置的单独房间的室温,房间采用散热器、冷凝天花板等进行供暖或降温。In order to help you achieve your building energy saving potential, SIEMENS will follow a systematic approach. As part of this multi-level planning cycle, we will conduct an in-depth analysis and a number of reliable assessment of energy saving potential, all activities are supported by a variety of different tools d on each other.Enlarge

华东代理商厂家质保MXF461.25-8.0带电磁执行器的混合三通或两通阀带定位控制,阀位反馈信号Siemens西门子VVI46系列两通阀HVAC controller visualization

To the top of the page- 三通阀?VXF53Advantage Operations Center kann in jedem geb?ude führt eine Operation in Einem zentralen ort, sondern auch für viele andere geb?ude Betrieb.Siemens Gut ausgebildete experten k?nnen die fernüberwachung von geb?uden, die für ihr personal vor Ort und eine wichtige Information für sie, aus der ferne eine Optimierung von geb?uden.具有中央单元对客房管理进行管理,可根据具体需求满足舒适感。Officially certified products and systems guarantee better energy efficiency and consistent quality.自动优化所有功能典型用途Room unit - QAW912 显示的产品:RRV934To the top of the pageTo the top of the page不同的运行模式(舒适、待机、经济、保护)Affordable affordable financing program楼宇性能优化提供可持续的能源优化过程室内恒温器Display products: RRV912通过 Synco living,住户可舒适地控制其楼宇服务;并且,它还将以易于理解的形式来显示能耗数据。三通阀可用作混合阀或换向阀RXA controller for comfort independent single room controlRMK770..- 锅炉顺序控制器Measuring and counting system识别节能方法RDJ 用于控制供暖系统中的室内温度。 恒温器具有编程功能,如自动、舒适、节能和防霜。 显示的产品:量表Die analyse der Daten und ereignisse der energieverbrauch有线室内设备与LonWorks连接。Energy health Check Plus rating system


RDU..– 带大 LCD 的室内恒温器Display products: WRI982链接至更多信息:

- 合适的电动执行器SSBThe RX controller provides full flexibility and openness to meet the different needs of room utilization and transformation. The optimized RX controller control strategy can improve energy efficiency and maximize the comfort with the minimum energy cost.借助西门子的家居控制应用程序,你可以直观简便地控制你的供暖、空调和通风系统,以及照明和遮光控制。Provide and install new equipment, and implement facilities improvement measures较少的投资,主要成果室内恒温器Link to more information:引入 EN 15232 规范“楼宇能源性能 - 楼宇自动化,控制和楼宇管理的影响”,从而更加充分地利用楼宇控制和运行的能源节约潜力。终端设备阀和执行器(TEVA)A concise concept of open communication.室内运行模式从舒适或预设舒适改变为经济或保护模式时,迅速回位启动,供热回路泵关闭,并且混合阀关闭。在达到所需的室温之前,供热回路保持关闭。As a result, the pump’s number of operating hours are considerably reduced.当室温达到新设定值,或室内运行模式变更为舒适或预设舒适时,该功能终止。Use SIEMENS Advantage operating center to control and adjust your building systemDie finanzierung der Programme Nutzen kann典型用途 



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