Name |
ID |
产品说明 |
Δpmax |
Δps |
kvs阀门全开时的额定流量系数 |
公称直径 |
MXF461.15-0.6 |
100325535 |
连续调节型三通混流/两通电磁调节阀,法兰连接,PN16, DN15, kvs 0.6, AC 24 V |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
0.6 m3/h |
15 |
MXF461.15-1.5 |
100325536 |
连续调节型三通混流/两通电磁调节阀,法兰连接,PN16, DN15, kvs 1.5, AC 24 V |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
1.5 m3/h |
15 |
MXF461.15-3.0 |
100325537 |
连续调节型三通混流/两通电磁调节阀,法兰连接,PN16, DN15, kvs 3, AC 24 V |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
3 m3/h |
15 |
MXF461.20-5.0 |
100325538 |
连续调节型三通混流/两通电磁调节阀,法兰连接,PN16, DN20, kvs 5, AC 24 V |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
5 m3/h |
20 |
MXF461.25-8.0 |
100325539 |
连续调节型三通混流/两通电磁调节阀,法兰连接,PN16, DN25, kvs 8, AC 24 V |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
8 m3/h |
25 |
MXF461.32-12 |
100325540 |
连续调节型三通混流/两通电磁调节阀,法兰连接,PN16, DN32, kvs 12, AC 24 V |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
12 m3/h |
32 |
MXF461.40-20 |
100325541 |
连续调节型三通混流/两通电磁调节阀,法兰连接,PN16, DN40, kvs 20, AC 24 V |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
20 m3/h |
40 |
MXF461.50-30 |
100325542 |
连续调节型三通混流/两通电磁调节阀,法兰连接,PN16, DN50, kvs 30, AC 24 V |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
30 m3/h |
50 |
MXF461.65-50 |
100325543 |
连续调节型三通混流/两通电磁调节阀,法兰连接,PN16, DN65, kvs 50, AC 24 V |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
50 m3/h |
65 |
额定压力 |
PN 16 |
工作电压 |
AC 24 V |
定位信号 |
DC 0...10 V; DC 2...10 V; DC 4...20 mA |
定位时间 |
<2 s |
带有弹簧复位功能 |
A->AB 关闭 |
位置反馈 |
DC 0...10 V |
防护等级 |
IP54 |
环境温度 |
-5...45 °C |
安装位置 |
竖直到水平 |
允许工作压力 |
1000 kPa |
泄漏率 |
A -> AB: 0...0.02 % kvs |
旁通泄漏率 |
< 0.2 % of kvs 值 |
介质温度 |
1…130 °C |
阀门流量特性 |
等百分比; 线性 |
行程精度 Δ H/H100 |
1:1000 |
阀体 |
铸铁 EN-GJL-250 |
阀门内件材料 |
铬镍钢 / 黄铜 |
技术参数表 |
N4455 |
常规型号 下午四点前付款 当天即可发货 授权 闪电发货
上海煦岳智能科技有限公司 杨工 手机 QQ2817786724
测定经过现代化改造的 BACS 系统的新状态,并为控制器分配从 A 到 D 的能效等级室内恒温器用于控制各通风或空调装置独立房间的室内温度,亦通过阀门和风门执行器以及0-10 V或开/关需量控制器进行加热或冷却? RDF– 带大 LCD 的室内恒温器With SIEMENS home control applications, you can intuitively and easily control your heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems, as well as lighting and shading control.利用Green Building Monitor系统提高公众的节能意识Display products: QAW912通过无线插座适配器,可以遥控插入的电器设备和调节灯的明暗。这些适配器具有四个不同的特定类型。.更多信息,点击链接:The benefits of SIEMENS Hotel solutions are obvious:可通信的室内控制器A more energy-efficient solution西门子会与您合作确认所需采取的措施,并充分发掘楼宇的隐藏潜力。能源管理和连续不断的运营监控确保了决策透明度,协助您做出正确的决策,确保长期保持楼宇的效率、能源成本、可用性以及舒适度处于优化状态。风门执行器It is suitable for the pre control of up to two independent liquid room groups (such as radiators, space heating), or control the ventilation device with the most 3 stage. All inputs and outputs are also universal (e.g., air conditioning control).寓所中央单元 – QAX9..对于室内和区域用暖通空调应用,Acvatix TEVA系列产品是佳选择。具有清晰的应用相关产品系列结构,可迅速并直接为任何类型的应用选择阀门和执行器的正确组合:无论是风机盘管装置,冷凝天花板或普通区域还是散热器应用。阀门和执行器具有使用寿命长,质量高,设计坚固耐用、运行噪音低、。由于对阀门、执行器和控制器进行了佳匹配,TEVA产品可极大地提高能效。而节省了能源和成本。It has compact structure and excellent control performance.RLU..– 通用控制器Simultaneous analysis
供应授权MXF461.15-0.6带电磁执行器的混合三通或两通阀带定位控制,阀位反馈信号Siemens西门子To the top of the pageDer remote - System der überwachung und Optimierung
室内操作设备的广泛产品范围。突出特点一览:在具有强制性要求的集中供热应用及大型装置上,电动液压执行器往往不匹配。优点一览Advantage operation centerDie Starke l?sung für mehr energieeffizienz泵According to the potential that has been determined, it is suggested that appropriate measures should be taken in the action plan to ensure the full realization of the goal of saving.Trend Viewer ——有针对性的操作优化系统概述Quick return of heating circuit控制各个房间:多达 12 个配备楼层供暖和暖气管的房间- 二通阀VVG44Die operative unterstützung产品亮点:We introduced the EN 15232 standard "building energy efficiency - building automation, control and building management" to better utilize the energy saving potential of building control and operation.Enlarge优点一览Lift comfortSynco living - 通过无线信号集成照明和卷帘装置Anerkennung der methode, energie zu sparenTo the top of the pageBuilding users can see the current energy consumption data, and thus more and more actively save energy.西门子基于性能的解决方案可保证在整个合同期内均具有节能效果。反过来还可将节约的成本用于您的设施项目。从而突出证明了我们所做的提高您的设施性能的。Synco living - DELTA reflex smoke detector - GAMMA wave
Contract energy management ensures that energy is saved without or with very little upfront investment远程报警管理供暖循环泵、区域阀(通常闭合)Gauge迅速创建自定义文档Affordable prices and reliable controllers are used for basic HVAC applicationsTo the top of the page采用这种功能不会使设备保修失效为打开或关闭阀门和转换 3 速风机Manage room heating control for up to two heating areas (rooms) and 6 SSA955 radiator control actuators. The unit can ensure the overall control of the room heating function, and clearly display all the data on the display screen. And QAW912 can collect room temperature in the room.To the top of the pagePN10 小型阀门Hotel Lobby - a more comfortable and efficient solution