Name |
ID |
产品说明 |
Δpmax |
Δps |
连接螺纹 |
kvs阀门全开时的额定流量系数 |
公称直径 |
MXG461S15-1.5 |
101706853 |
BPZ:MXG461S15-1.5 三通电磁调节阀PN16 DN15 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 1 B " |
1.5 m3/h |
15 |
MXG461S20-5.0 |
101706854 |
BPZ:MXG461S20-5.0 三通电磁调节阀PN16 DN20 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 1? B " |
5.0 m3/h |
20 |
MXG461S25-8.0 |
101706855 |
BPZ:MXG461S25-8.0 三通电磁调节阀PN16 DN25 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 1? B " |
8.0 m3/h |
25 |
MXG461S32-12 |
101706856 |
BPZ:MXG461S32-12 三通电磁调节阀PN16 DN32 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 2 B " |
12 m3/h |
32 |
额定压力 |
PN 16 |
工作电压 |
AC 24 V |
定位信号 |
DC 0...10 V ; DC 2...10 V; DC 4...20 mA |
定位时间 |
< 1 s |
带有弹簧复位功能 |
A -> AB 关闭 |
位置反馈 |
DC 0...10 V |
防护等级 |
IP54 |
环境温度 |
-5...45 °C |
安装位置 |
竖直到水平 |
允许工作压力 |
1000 kPa |
泄漏率 |
A -> AB: 0...0.02% kvs 值 |
旁通泄漏率 |
< 0.2 % of kvs value |
介质温度 |
1…130 °C |
阀门流量特性 |
等百分比 ; 线性 |
行程精度 Δ H/H100 |
1:1000 |
阀体 |
铬镍不锈铸钢 |
阀门内件材料 |
铬镍不锈钢 |
技术参数表 |
N4465 |
常规型号 下午四点前付款 当天即可发货 授权 闪电发货
上海煦岳智能科技有限公司 杨工 手机 QQ2817786724
通过根据需求的控制(利用室内空气质量(IAQ)传感器获取CO2/VOC),打开并增加外部空气进入室内房间,根据房间人员状况(在房间人员检测器的帮助下)或根据保持模式功能控制受控变量,如温度、湿度等。运行该过程直到达到所需的运行状态。然后再次关闭该装置。Energy efficiency has begun in the planning phase of the building. In order to provide professionals with a variety of specifications, SIEMENS has developed a standardized text selection tool (STST).Durch Ausbildung, fehlersuche helfen, remote - zugriff auf die analyse der ereignisse und die regelm??ige backup software - unterstützung für betreiber.RDU..– 带大 LCD 的室内恒温器In order to obtain the most reliable information about building energy demand, you should consider such as climate regulation to external influence, and energy consumption before the target value for comparison. We use SIEMENS Internet
带电磁式执行器的两通阀或三通混流阀,PN16,适用于半导体或激光工业Siemens西门子电磁调节阀华东代理经销商保证MXG461S25-8.0无线室内装置Interviews with senior management: these visits are conducted by SIEMENS certified energy experts who will assess the energy and process environment of your major areas to obtain valuable information about your current situation.
To the top of the pageRDG4..– 带大 LCD 的室内恒温器 显示的产品:OZW772To the top of the pageThe series includes eu.bac (European air pass control) certified indoor controller, which represents test quality, high control accuracy and energy efficiency. If needed, RX can quickly and economically adapt to new needs.实际版本包含六种语言的移动操作方法。 德语、英语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语和荷兰语。Regular measurement and verification are carried out to ensure maximum energy savings以低成本逐步改善楼宇性能数字RDF..室内恒温器定制为带制热/制冷自动切换功能的2道、2道加电热器和4道风机盘管应用。 通过按恒温器前侧的按钮选择理想的室温。Display products: QAA910利用该标准,可从楼宇自动化和控制系统确定出节能潜力,进而能够制定出提高能效的措施。压力无关型组合阀With KNX, no matter which vendor, open data exchange can be carried out.To the top of the pageThe building management system integrates all the important information and operation functions, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning system control, and monitoring of all energy consumption.Aktualisieren sie alle Oder einen Teil der Infrastruktur verbessert die energieeffizienz in geb?uden.Da k?nnen sie sparen sie Geld mit der aufteilung der kosten, so dass sie von nun an Verbesserung der energieeffizienz kann profitieren die vorteile Nur wenige live - Oder sogar null vorabinvestitionen.Energie - Management - Vertrag kann Ihnen helfen, die energieeffizienz - Ziele garantieren und verbessern sie ihre geb?ude und Anlagen der Energie - effizienz.热力阀或区域阀控制Click zoom to enlarge the picture预算价格计算SSA31系列执行器RXL控制器Continuous monitoring of energy consumption data to ensure that your building always save energy efficient. At the same time, the collected information can also be displayed on the monitor to visualize your company's sustainable development schedule. Studies have shown that when the use behavior of employees is positively affected, the energy consumption of 10 - 15% can be reduced.过程(图)风机盘管 – KNXLink to more information: 显示的产品:QAX913PN 10:散热器阀 VDN.., VEN.., VUN..
Synco200- 独立型暖通空调控制器Through the partial or comprehensive transformation of building infrastructure, high energy efficiency can be achieved. Engineering costs for upgrading can be shared from the realized savings, so that the energy efficiency can be immediately improved without or only a small amount of upfront investment.能效问题联系方式的核心要点
风机盘管室内恒温器Synco living - apartment central unit - QAXTo the top of the page产品范围广,可提供各种阀门和执行器,使用寿命长,并且在加热或冷却能源制造、分配和使用方面符合所有控制或液压要求同时,也是集中供热/冷却、蒸气或饮用水应用以及现代化和改造翻新的理想选择Direct and time-saving installation佳气候打造放松的生活和高效的工作环境Turn success into visible realityBietet und Installation der neuen Ger?te, EINRICHTUNGEN und Ma?nahmen zur Verbesserung der umsetzungRCU..-数字式室内恒温器Technical specification text selection tool (STST)但楼宇自动化和控制系统不仅仅因其节约能源而具有吸引力。由于投资回收期短,在很短的时间内,必要投资已经回收资本并获益,特别当您与其他节能措施相比时。概述List of advantages 显示的产品:QAW912