

PN 16: 标准阀 MXF461、M3P..FY

PN16 标准阀

二通/三通阀 MXF461 DN15 至 DN65(M3P..FY  DN 80 至 DN 100),带集成电磁执行器;阀体: 铸铁 (GG20) 并带黄铜镶边;可选阀特性: 等百分比或线性;kVS可达 130 m2/h;中间温度: 1…130 °C;2 秒定位时间;高分辨率位移(1: 1000).



- 2 /3 通阀 MXF461 M3P..FY

PN 16: 高温水和蒸汽高性能阀 MVF461H
PN16 高性能阀

二通快速 MVF461H 阀 DN15 至 DN50,带集成电磁执行器,阀体: 球墨铸铁 EN-GJL-400-18-LT 和不锈钢镶边;可选阀特性; 等百分比或线性;kVS可达 30 m2/h;中间温度: 1…180 °C



- 二通阀 MVF461H

PN 16: 通用阀 M3K..FX..N

PN16 通用阀

二通/三通阀 M3K..FX..N DN 15 到 DN 50,带集成电瓷执行器,阀体: 球墨铸铁 EN-GJL-400-18-LT 和不锈钢镶边;等百分比阀特性;KVS多达 30 m3/h;中间温度: -20…180 °C



- 2- /3 通阀 M3K..FX..N



M2FP03GX M3P100FY MVF461H40-20 MXF461.15-1.5 MXF461.40-20 MXG461.15-1.5U MXG461.40-20U
M3FB15LX/A M3P100FYP MVF461H50-30 MXF461.15-1.5J MXF461.40-20J MXG461.15-3.0 MXG461.50-30
M3FB15LX06/A M3P80FY MVL661.15-0.4 MXF461.15-1.5P MXF461.40-20P MXG461.15-3.0P MXG461.50-30P
M3FB15LX15/A M3P80FYP MVL661.15-1.0 MXF461.15-3.0 MXF461.50-30 MXG461.15-3.0U MXG461.50-30U
M3FB20LX/A MVF461H15-0.6 MVL661.20-2.5 MXF461.15-3.0J MXF461.50-30J MXG461.20-5.0 MXG461B15-0.6
M3FB25LX/A MVF461H15-0.6J MVL661.25-6.3 MXF461.15-3.0P MXF461.50-30P MXG461.20-5.0P MXG461B15-1.5
M3FB32LX MVF461H15-1.5 MVL661.32-12 MXF461.20-5.0 MXF461.65-50 MXG461.20-5.0U MXG461B15-3
M3FK15LX MVF461H15-1.5J MVS661.25-0.4N MXF461.20-5.0J MXF461.65-50J MXG461.25-8.0 MXG461B20-5
M3FK15LX06 MVF461H15-3 MVS661.25-016N MXF461.20-5.0P MXF461.65-50P MXG461.25-8.0P MXG461B25-8
M3FK15LX15 MVF461H15-3J MVS661.25-1.0N MXF461.25-8.0 MXF461.65-50U MXG461.25-8.0U MXG461B32-12
M3FK20LX MVF461H20-5 MVS661.25-2.5N MXF461.25-8.0J MXG461.15-0.6 MXG461.32-12 MXG461B40-20
M3FK25LX MVF461H20-5J MVS661.25-6.3N MXF461.25-8.0P MXG461.15-0.6P MXG461.32-12P MXG461B50-30
M3FK32LX MVF461H25-8 MXF461.15-0.6 MXF461.32-12 MXG461.15-0.6U MXG461.32-12U MXG461S15-1.5
M3FK40LX MVF461H25-8J MXF461.15-0.6J MXF461.32-12J MXG461.15-1.5 MXG461.40-20 MXG461S20-5.0
M3FK50LX MVF461H32-12 MXF461.15-0.6P MXF461.32-12P MXG461.15-1.5P MXG461.40-20P MXG461S25-8.0


常规型号  下午四点前付款 当天即可发货  授权  闪电发货
上海煦岳智能科技有限公司 杨工 手机 QQ2817786724 




















Oder manuell MIT Einem standard - WEB - browser Oder Automatisch MIT Einem z?hler ein - Oder software - Agenten, die Erfassung der Daten in der Siemens - Zentrale server der energieverbrauch der einzelnen konten.K?nnen sie mit der emv - System und von der jeder Internet - standard - PC abrufen, energie - bericht.提供关于投资回报时间的信息更多信息,点击链接:Ventilation system with indoor air supply cascade control and Synco 200DELTA reflex 感烟探测器 – GAMMA waveTimely interventionRoom unit - QAW912供暖回路控制器 – RRV912To the top of the page.Combined operation units of light and louver, heating / ventilation / refrigeration.带室内送风串级控制 和 Synco 700 的通风装置To the top of the page通过培训、故障排除协助、远程访问的事件分析以及定期的软件备份,为运营人员提供支持。RDG..室内恒温器具有通用功能。 具有采用设置旋钮和大按钮的大显示和直观操作概念,使用这些装置极为方便,背光显示屏能在黑暗环境中操作装置。 在安装该装置前通过DIP开关可轻松选择所需的应用。 RDG..用作室温控制,2位制、P 或PI算法。Radiator control actuator - SSA955通过远程设备访问提供佳控制和快速设置选项具有优化的插入式设计,防止灰尘,噪音低Controller application高级支持和综合文档SIEMENS operates the Advantage operating center, the global network uses the most advanced technology to communicate with your system. The Advantage operations center collects all the data necessary for building evaluation and energy efficiency improvement, and compares them with industry standards to perform a comprehensive analysis. This enables our highly qualified engineers and technicians to optimize your building system in real time.Die Transport - kapazit?ten mehr kühlwasser Ger?t典型用途HVAC building automation requirements vary greatly between buildings, depending on the size of the building, life cycle, operation time and comfort requirements and other factors. Synco building automation can meet all these requirements: the standard controller is a modular design of the product series, can provide the highest efficiency and reliability. This means that you can use Synco to plan a multi-purpose energy-saving, low cost HVAC control system, and has its installation and debugging, without programming. In addition, the function of energy consumption indicator or HomeControl application can support the user to monitor and control the HVAC device, so as to promote energy saving.处理历史和实时数据可快速、有针对性的实现操作优化。List of advantagesTo the top of the page二通VVG41和三通VXG41阀门DN 15至 DN 50,外螺纹连接符合ISO 228-1标准,不锈钢外边;等百分比阀门特性;kVS 0.63至40 m3/h;中间温度-25…150 °C 适用于开放和闭合回路,如空气处理装置,DHW 混合回路Die bauaufsicht strategie w?hlen OFT unter überwachung und Optimierung der performance - Optimierung, w?hrend Siemens - geb?ude - service bietet Hohe transparenz der Entscheidungen k?nnen anhaltende wissenstransfer und effizienten Betrieb dauerhaft garantieren kann Immer der zustand der geb?ude erforderlich.由于不断地进行产品优化,产品具有面向未来的技术。Through this technical specification text selection tool, technical specifications designers can create technical specifications that are not specific and can be executed.Enlarge家庭采暖产品Synco living can create the most comfortable indoor environment, the system covers the following applications:门/窗触点 AP260 – GAMMA wave二通 VVF21 和三通 VXF21 阀 DN25 至 DN100,带法兰连接,符合 ISO7005 要求;阀体: 灰色铸铁EN-GJL-250和黄铜镶边;等百分比阀特性;1.9至160 m3/h;中间温度: -10…150 °C.

电磁调节阀西门子Siemens用于模块控制闭环系统,包含矿物质油介质的永磁混合两通阀闪电发货全新MXG461.40-20PEnergie - monitoring - und Siemens - "durch das Operations Center" für die experten - service, Den sie von Siemens Ingenieure profitieren von der unterstützung, die sie abgesehen von der effizienz, überwachung, sondern k?nnen auch, je nach bedarf, auf ihrem System direkte Anpassung.Diese Siemens - experten für ihre geb?ude den energieverbrauch wurde kontinuierlich überwacht und Wert, und in der Lage sein, Den fall sofort abweichungen korrigiert werden.Weil ihr System und Siemens "Advantage Operations Center" verbunden IST, kann daher sehr effiziente umsetzung dieser DIENSTE.Wir MIT Siemens auf der grundlage der überwachung und Kontrolle der Internet - energie für ihre geb?ude Instrument der überwachung und Bewertung.专有通信

The Green Building Monitors system, which is distributed throughout the system, allows you to show your energy efficiency and sustainability to building users and visitors through the release of energy savings and other factors in an easy to understand format.进行详细能源分析以确定将佳满足投资条件并对设施产生积极影响的改进措施RDG– 带大 LCD 的室内恒温器Integration of lighting and shutter devices through wireless signalsTo the top of the page二通VVP47,三通VXP47,旁路三通VMP47阀门,DN 10至DN 20,外螺纹连接符合228-1标准,同时适用于ConexVS可达4 m3/h;中间温度1…110°C室内恒温器利用其集成的传感器获取室温,并通过发出控制指令保持该设定值。恒温器控制供暖系统中的室温。Demonstrate the energy saving potential of various energy efficiency (EE) applications derived from buildings and equipment利用该标准,可从楼宇自动化和控制系统确定出节能潜力,进而能够制定出提高能效的措施。Intelligent and integrated buildings and indoor automatic control can produce considerable energy savings without reducing comfort. The European standard EN15232 ("building energy performance - building automation system of building automation system") will be divided into four types from A to D energy efficiency rating. For example, the energy efficiency level a regulation: compared with the standard, the office room energy saving can reach 30%. Synco provides an important prerequisite for ensuring the compliance with energy efficiency level a. Synco provides an important prerequisite for ensuring the compliance with energy efficiency level a.Synco living – 供暖回路控制器 - RRV912更多信息,点击链接:überblickTo the top of the pageTo the top of the page西门子室内恒温器组合产品范围广泛,安装简便西门子根据您的供热和冷却需要(无论是简单的或复杂的需要)提供适当的单独房间控制器,从而改善节能效果和舒适性。以下您将看到控制器在供热和冷却方面以及风机盘管和变风量应用方面典型应用的小样本Synco living - radiator control actuator - SSA955To the top of the page冲程阀 – 法兰阀Due to the integration of the whole process, improve the comfort of guests.RXB控制器 – 单独房间用的开放型HVAC 控制器系列产品以KNX为基础的单独房间Demand process is a comprehensive method for optimizing cooling water system. This method has been validated in all facility types and can be integrated with any chiller product and building automation system.通过对楼宇基础设施进行部分或全面改造,可以取得极高能效。用于升级改造的工程成本可从实现的节约进行分摊,因此无需或只需很少前期投资即可立即获益于能效的提高。RDU..– 带大 LCD 的室内恒温器To the top of the page散热器控制执行器 - SSA955


由于具有使用寿命长、质量和性能的产品范围,可获得高效率和可靠性水平。Master / slave functions and changes in run mode using timersRMU7通用型控制器

将变为可见的现实To the top of the pageSynco living meets all requirements of energy efficiency grade A for EN 15232 standard.能源性能分类 (EPC) 工具概述Summary二通VVG55 DN 15至DN 25,外螺纹连接符合ISO 228-1标准;等百分比阀门特性;kVS 可达6.3 m3/h;中间温度1…130°CSiemens Building Technologies Group, durch innovative Technologien auf der grundlage der l?sung für ihre Investitionen ohne zweifel, kann sofort Oder in naher Zukunft belohnt.Die interessen der kunden:供暖和制冷用室内恒温器Alarm Viewer - quick elimination of faultseu.bac产品RDD810KN/NF带送风温度调节和 Synco 100 的通风装置 



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