Name |
ID |
产品说明 |
Δpmax |
Δps |
连接螺纹 |
kvs阀门全开时的额定流量系数 |
公称直径 |
MXG461.15-0.6P |
100747603 |
电磁调节阀,螺纹连接, PN16, DN15, kvs 0.6, AC 24 V, DC 0/2...10 V, 4...20 mA,介质包括矿物油 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 1B " |
0.6 m3/h |
15 |
MXG461.15-1.5P |
100747605 |
电磁调节阀,螺纹连接, PN16, DN15, kvs 1.5, AC 24 V, DC 0/2...10 V, 4...20 mA,介质包括矿物油 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 1B " |
1.5 m3/h |
15 |
MXG461.15-3.0P |
100747607 |
电磁调节阀,螺纹连接, PN16, DN15, kvs 3.0, AC 24 V, DC 0/2...10 V, 4...20 mA,介质包括矿物油 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 1B " |
3.0 m3/h |
15 |
MXG461.20-5.0P |
100747609 |
电磁调节阀,螺纹连接, PN16, DN20, kvs 5.0, AC 24 V, DC 0/2...10 V, 4...20 mA,介质包括矿物油 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 1?B " |
5.0 m3/h |
20 |
MXG461.25-8.0P |
100747611 |
混合/2口控制阀门, 螺纹, PN16, DN25, kvs 8.0, AC 24 V, DC 0/2...10 V, 4...20 mA, 介质包括矿物油 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 1?B " |
8.0 m3/h |
25 |
MXG461.32-12P |
100747614 |
电磁调节阀,螺纹连接,PN16, DN32, kvs 12, AC 24 V, DC 0/2...10 V, 4...20 mA,介质包括矿物油 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 2B " |
12 m3/h |
32 |
MXG461.40-20P |
100747617 |
电磁调节阀,螺纹连接,PN16, DN40, kvs 20, AC 24 V, DC 0/2...10 V, 4...20 mA,介质包括矿物油 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 2?B " |
20 m3/h |
40 |
MXG461.50-30P |
100747620 |
电磁调节阀,螺纹连接,PN16, DN50, kvs 30, AC 24 V, DC 0/2...10 V, 4...20 mA,介质包括矿物油 |
300 kPa |
300 kPa |
G 2?B " |
30 m3/h |
50 |
永磁制冷剂调节阀, PN16, 外螺纹, 用于介质播啊喊矿物油
额定压力 |
PN 16 |
工作电压 |
AC / DC 24 V |
定位信号 |
DC 0…10 V; DC 2...10 V; DC 4...20 mA |
定位时间 |
< 2 s |
带有弹簧复位功能 |
A ? AB 关闭 |
位置反馈 |
DC 0…10 V |
防护等级 |
IP54 |
环境温度 |
-5…45 °C |
安装位置 |
竖直到水平 |
允许工作压力 |
1000 kPa (10 bar) |
泄漏率 |
< 0.02 % of kvs 值 |
旁通泄漏率 |
< 0.2 % of kvs 值 |
介质温度 |
1…130 °C |
介质 |
传热油 |
阀门流量特性 |
等百分比或线性 |
行程精度 Δ H/H100 |
1:1000 |
阀体 |
铸铁 EN-GJL-250 |
阀门内件材料 |
铬镍不锈钢, 黄铜 |
技术参数表 |
N4455 |
常规型号 下午四点前付款 当天即可发货 授权 闪电发货
上海煦岳智能科技有限公司 杨工 手机 QQ2817786724
Die kontinuierliche überwachung, um die langfristigen vorteile.内置NTC 3k敏感元件,测量温度为-20-70摄氏度Synco living - heating loop controller - RRV912In der mess - und regeltechnik durch die Optimierung der Verordnung zur ANPASSUNG DER bestehenden Systeme, HVAC概述PN 16:高性能阀门VVP45, VXP45, VMP45A pre loaded application set reduces training effort无需控制面板Building automation and control is a necessary factor to implement specific improvement measures: energy conservation goals are largely achieved by modifying or optimizing existing systems. Initial measures do not require a lot of investment - the concept of building performance optimization will bring significant benefits..持续分析能耗数据和事件常压煤气燃烧器电磁阀Energy consumption data interface WRI982提供关于投资回报时间的信息Acvatix – ,范围广,能效更高List of advantages根据功能范围、输入/输出配置或应用范围,对暖通空调所有的控制器进行分级。基于功能性要求,你只需选择需要的控制器和现场设备,就可创建自己的暖通空调组合。各设备可使用广泛范围的兼容式传感器、阀门、执行器和外围设备。SIEMENS Advantage operation center "(Advantage Operation Center) is responsible for monitoring of building energy and operation data of your energy experts are the most important assets of SIEMENS efficiency surveillance program. They will generate comprehensive reports to determine ways to improve energy consumption and achieve additional savings.Darunter:轻工业用楼宇Energy saving potential of buildings技术建议和检查清单将有助于对现有的楼宇自动化和控制系统(BACS)或设计进行快速评估,并提供具有针对性的改进建议,不仅可节约能源和降低生命周期成本,同时还将提高舒适性条件。电热执行器,适用于第三方集分水器的开关控制,体积小可倒装,静音运行免维护,The controller has the function of communication through KNX? Exchange energy utilization information, to ensure the equipment is put into use to comfort level heating boiler, achieving the required refrigeration equipment, pumps and so on all Synco? HVAC controller provides procedures such function proved, to ensure that the best energy-saving device - whether in summer or winter.对多两个供暖区域(房间)和 6 个 SSA955 散热器控制执行器进行有管理的房间供暖控制。该单元可确保对房间供暖功能进行全面控制,并在显示屏上清晰显示所有数据。并且,QAW912 可以采集相关房间内的室温。PN 25: 高性能阀 VVF53、VXF53Siemens Advantage Operations Center (AOC) - experten MIT ECM ALS Technische grundlage, um sicherzustellen, dass sie eine Optimierung durchgeführt, kann Immer langfristig Erfolg.饭店解决方案 – 更舒适、更高效Intelligent and integrated building and indoor automatic system简化装置操作而不会牺牲舒适性风机盘管室内恒温器Link to more information:To the top of the page- 二通阀V.N1..V.N2..Products for the life sciences industryRXA 控制器
To the top of the pageAPOGEE 楼宇控制系统具有开放式结构,因此,用户可随时随地对整个设施内的信息进行访问。面对不确定的未来,应该高瞻远瞩,即保持各种功能的开放性。您需要一种能够将设施管理解决方案一直延续到将来、同时对过去的投资加以保护的楼宇自动化系统。西门子任何一个单独设计的系统都拥有长的兼容性记录 - 我们始终会提供无法越的价值和持续的投入。电动执行器是供暖、通风和空气调节领域绝大多数标准应用理想的传动装置。Ventilation system with indoor air supply cascade control and Synco 700RVP3- 加热控制器To the top of the pageTo the top of the page- 三通阀?VXF31Vorteile该系列产品包括eu.bac(欧盟旁通空气控制)的室内控制器,该代表测试质量、高控制精度和能效。如果需要,RX可迅速且经济地适应新需求。In addition, the Energy Health Check Plus also identifies a simple, easy to understand alternative to maximize energy efficiency while maintaining a safe and comfortable environment. SIEMENS provides an assessment of energy and sustainability goals, and offers recommendations on how to reduce energy costs and improve your environmental image.确保大的可用性利用2道风机盘管装置控制热或制冷的单独房间的室温。To the top of the page适用于风机盘管、传感器、VAV 装置以及冷凝天花板等应用RX controller provides room flexibility具有KNX,不管是供应商,都可以进行开放式数据交换。Process (graph)楼宇性能优化优势通过双管风机盘管装置进行加热或冷却,从而控制室内温度利用可靠的工具实现多层次的规划周期Modular design series for general HVAC controllers.供热环路控制优化包括佳启动/停止控制
Remote alarm managementSTST is a unique tool for centralized treatment of automation and control systems in energy efficient buildings. With the extensive text data
由于拥有一个内容丰富的文本数据库,技术规格设计人员可基于专门与标准 EN 15232 有关的节能功能来生成一份详细的技术规格。To the top of the pageHeat recovery概述Weniger Investitionen, die wichtigsten ErgebnisseBut building automation and control systems are not only attractive because of their energy savings. Due to the short payback period, it is necessary to invest and recover the capital in a very short period of time, especially when compared with other energy saving measures.此外,Green Building Monitors 系统还可显示其他内容,如天气预报、您公司当前的股票价格、节约能源小窍门以及视频资料,以向观看者传递各种信息。使用我们的产品系列 – 为未来保留灵活选择。RF adapter plug, switch - KRF960-x / heating loop controller - RRV912远程系统监控和优化典型用途