永磁制冷剂调节阀, PN16, 外螺纹, 用于介质播啊喊矿物油Siemens西门子电磁调节阀代理售后无忧保证MXG461.15-1.5P

永磁制冷剂调节阀, PN16, 外螺纹, 用于介质播啊喊矿物油Siemens西门子电磁调节阀代理售后无忧保证MXG461.15-1.5P

PN 16: 标准阀 MXF461、M3P..FY

PN16 标准阀

二通/三通阀 MXF461 DN15 至 DN65(M3P..FY  DN 80 至 DN 100),带集成电磁执行器;阀体: 铸铁 (GG20) 并带黄铜镶边;可选阀特性: 等百分比或线性;kVS可达 130 m2/h;中间温度: 1…130 °C;2 秒定位时间;高分辨率位移(1: 1000).



- 2 /3 通阀 MXF461 M3P..FY

PN 16: 高温水和蒸汽高性能阀 MVF461H
PN16 高性能阀

二通快速 MVF461H 阀 DN15 至 DN50,带集成电磁执行器,阀体: 球墨铸铁 EN-GJL-400-18-LT 和不锈钢镶边;可选阀特性; 等百分比或线性;kVS可达 30 m2/h;中间温度: 1…180 °C



- 二通阀 MVF461H

PN 16: 通用阀 M3K..FX..N

PN16 通用阀

二通/三通阀 M3K..FX..N DN 15 到 DN 50,带集成电瓷执行器,阀体: 球墨铸铁 EN-GJL-400-18-LT 和不锈钢镶边;等百分比阀特性;KVS多达 30 m3/h;中间温度: -20…180 °C



- 2- /3 通阀 M3K..FX..N



M2FP03GX M3P100FY MVF461H40-20 MXF461.15-1.5 MXF461.40-20 MXG461.15-1.5U MXG461.40-20U
M3FB15LX/A M3P100FYP MVF461H50-30 MXF461.15-1.5J MXF461.40-20J MXG461.15-3.0 MXG461.50-30
M3FB15LX06/A M3P80FY MVL661.15-0.4 MXF461.15-1.5P MXF461.40-20P MXG461.15-3.0P MXG461.50-30P
M3FB15LX15/A M3P80FYP MVL661.15-1.0 MXF461.15-3.0 MXF461.50-30 MXG461.15-3.0U MXG461.50-30U
M3FB20LX/A MVF461H15-0.6 MVL661.20-2.5 MXF461.15-3.0J MXF461.50-30J MXG461.20-5.0 MXG461B15-0.6
M3FB25LX/A MVF461H15-0.6J MVL661.25-6.3 MXF461.15-3.0P MXF461.50-30P MXG461.20-5.0P MXG461B15-1.5
M3FB32LX MVF461H15-1.5 MVL661.32-12 MXF461.20-5.0 MXF461.65-50 MXG461.20-5.0U MXG461B15-3
M3FK15LX MVF461H15-1.5J MVS661.25-0.4N MXF461.20-5.0J MXF461.65-50J MXG461.25-8.0 MXG461B20-5
M3FK15LX06 MVF461H15-3 MVS661.25-016N MXF461.20-5.0P MXF461.65-50P MXG461.25-8.0P MXG461B25-8
M3FK15LX15 MVF461H15-3J MVS661.25-1.0N MXF461.25-8.0 MXF461.65-50U MXG461.25-8.0U MXG461B32-12
M3FK20LX MVF461H20-5 MVS661.25-2.5N MXF461.25-8.0J MXG461.15-0.6 MXG461.32-12 MXG461B40-20
M3FK25LX MVF461H20-5J MVS661.25-6.3N MXF461.25-8.0P MXG461.15-0.6P MXG461.32-12P MXG461B50-30
M3FK32LX MVF461H25-8 MXF461.15-0.6 MXF461.32-12 MXG461.15-0.6U MXG461.32-12U MXG461S15-1.5
M3FK40LX MVF461H25-8J MXF461.15-0.6J MXF461.32-12J MXG461.15-1.5 MXG461.40-20 MXG461S20-5.0
M3FK50LX MVF461H32-12 MXF461.15-0.6P MXF461.32-12P MXG461.15-1.5P MXG461.40-20P MXG461S25-8.0


常规型号  下午四点前付款 当天即可发货  授权  闪电发货
上海煦岳智能科技有限公司 杨工 手机 QQ2817786724 


永磁制冷剂调节阀, PN16, 外螺纹, 用于介质播啊喊矿物油Siemens西门子电磁调节阀代理售后无忧保证MXG461.15-1.5P

















永磁制冷剂调节阀, PN16, 外螺纹, 用于介质播啊喊矿物油Siemens西门子电磁调节阀代理售后无忧保证MXG461.15-1.5P

冲程阀 – 小型阀门main features室内自动控制,更节能引入 EN 15232 规范“楼宇能源性能 - 楼宇自动化,控制和楼宇管理的影响”,从而更加充分地利用楼宇控制和运行的能源节约潜力。PN 6: 标准阀门VVF21、VXF21EnlargeSynco? living 入门级套件是一个房间温度无线控制系统,适用于由多两个区域组成的供暖设备。可以将多 6 个散热器控制执行器集成到该系统中,并将所收集的热量请求转发到热能产生系统。二通 VVF43 阀 DN65 至 DN150 和三通 VXF4 3 阀 DN65 至 DN150,带法兰连接,符合 ISO7005 要求(对于 DN15 至 DN50 用 VVF53/VXF53);阀体: 灰色铸铁 EN-GJS-400-18-LT 不锈钢镶边;等百分比阀特性;kVS50 至 400 m3/h;中间温度: -20…220 °CExperten - für SiemensIn Verbindung MIT hochkar?tigen experten用于酒店的广泛的控制器产品系列。.SIEMENS provides a building automation system suitable for all building types, sizes and uses. These systems employ open communication standards and interfaces that integrate different building control technologies, such as heating / ventilation / air conditioning, lighting and shutter devices, as well as safety functions and equipment.更新改造后,需要持续监测相关的关进绩效指标以确保可实现您的长期节能目标。西门子能效监测服务可帮助您确定并系统实现未来的节能潜力。To the top of the pageSummary- 合适的电动执行器SFAThe Desigo indoor equipment suite operates independently to meet a wide range of user requirements. Interior equipment not only has fashionable and elegant design, but also pays attention to human engineering factors.带室内送风串级控制 和 Synco 200 的通风装置Through capital investment, transplantation can improve the efficiency of the building system and reduce operating costs. In order to meet your business requirements and business processes tailored to upgrade the system and upgrade process can ensure that the buildings and your infrastructure has always been at the advanced level, and improve its energy efficiency, sustainability and availability. The idea of transplantation is to promote proactive maintenance, reduce downtime and enhance the value of your building.基于设施运行和使用的同时分析以及对能耗预算的监控能够持续地带来改善。RDF- 带大 LCD 的室内恒温器多功能,可扩展,适合将来的应用安全性和能效更高The device contains a unique page of specific preferences, which can be adjusted at any time as required.具有模块化概念和向后兼容通信功能,具有供未来使用的多样性和扩展性。To the top of the page- nachfrage durch speziell für das design von kühlwasser, Bisher in mehr ALS 100 Anwendung überprüft wurde.Die kühlung der Ger?te nachfrage durch Technik im display, effizienz, eer (EER) k?nnen bis zu 10,7.独立学型室内恒温器Using this standard, energy saving potential can be determined from building automation and control systems, and then measures to improve energy efficiency can be worked out.Eco Monitoring——在适当的时间进行干预以节省能源Heating and cooling on demand通风控制:适用于带有三个级次的通风系统;厨房排气罩的设计To the top of the pageTo the Top of the Page简易的操作保证使用简便,同时提供极好的舒适感。

永磁制冷剂调节阀, PN16, 外螺纹, 用于介质播啊喊矿物油Siemens西门子电磁调节阀代理售后无忧保证MXG461.15-1.5PBuilding energy conservation has begun in the planning phase. In order to support professionals to design technical specifications for building automation and control systems and applications, SIEMENS developed a technical specification text selection tool (STST).To the top of the page

通过聚会功能,您可以临时设置舒适的温度Convenient operation 开关和插座To the top of the pageRAB..室内恒温器适用于双管和四管风机盘管应用。 用于加热或冷却系统,通过设置位于装置前部的点旋钮使室内保持在选定的温度。 风机速度可以通过位于前部的滑动开关进行选择。Substitute product QAX910技术规格文本选择工具 (STST)Acvatix直行程阀和压力无关组合阀包括广泛的长行程法兰阀门,长短行程螺纹阀,小型阀门以及压力无关组合阀,应用领域广泛可为各种阀门提供适当的执行器Acvatix 是一种高质量、高性能产品系列,效率高、性能可靠、使用寿命长 – 数百万该产品在应用中已得到证明Highlights风扇和空气处理过程 – 供热、冷却、加湿和除湿 – 是通风和空气调节装置中主要的能耗部分。出于这种原因,只要有可能就应当关闭风机,仅当室内舒适条件不足,需要通风时运行风机,并使风机速度尽可能调至低。Through the SIEMENS Excellence (Advantage Operation Center) operations center to provide expert services allows you to greatly benefit for us to give you support, SIEMENS energy experts on your system to directly adjust if necessary. Because your system is connected to SIEMENS's AOC, these services can be very effective. This allows SIEMENS to provide a series of services that can only be implemented on the spot through secure remote connections.Das bestehende System belebenTo the top of the pageEnergy performance classification (EPC) tools根据已确定的潜力,建议在行动计划中以合适的措施来保证充分达到节约目标。两通区域阀,15-25口径可选,带6档Kv预设定,与房间热负载匹配,实现佳调节Because of the pre-set energy saving function, it can provide high efficiency energy and save cost.To the Top of the Page更多信息,点击链接:Eu.bac launched the European building automation and control scheme, control of building the final energy for high precision usage.建筑使用者对建筑的能耗有显著的影响。因此,提高公众对于节约使用自然资源的意识非常重要。作为能源管理方案的一部分,Green Building Monitor? 系统有助于传播信息,并激励建筑使用者节约能源。同时,各种恒温器组合可以提供广泛的毛细管作为安全和霜冻的恒温器,产品范围包括浸入式和壁挂式恒温器 可用于工业和商业建筑链接至更多信息:- 二通阀VD...CLCWith the central unit to manage housekeeping, you can meet the comfort requirements according to specific needs.

永磁制冷剂调节阀, PN16, 外螺纹, 用于介质播啊喊矿物油Siemens西门子电磁调节阀代理售后无忧保证MXG461.15-1.5P

概述楼宇自动化和控制是执行具体改善措施的必要因素:节能目标很大程度上是通过修改或者优化现有系统来实现的。初步措施并不需要大量投资 - 楼宇性能优化概念会带来显著的效益。

Link to more information:房间单元 - QAW910 Different operation modes (comfort, standby, economy, protection)RWD..– 通用控制器Operation support通过能源监视以及西门子“Advantage 运营中心”提供的服务,您将获益于西门子工程师提供的支持,他们除了效率监视之外,还可根据需要对您的系统进行直接调整。这些西门子将对您的楼宇能耗进行持续监视,并能够在与设定值存在偏差的情况下立即进行纠正。由于您的系统与西门子“Advantage 运营中心”相连,因此可非常高效地实现这些服务。我们采用西门子基于互联网的能源监测和控制工具来对您的建筑进行评估和监测。泵SIEMENS smart Home Furnishing and control system Synco living can handle many tasks (HVAC, home lighting and shutter device), reduce the energy consumption and improve the comfort level. For you, that means saving up to 30% of heating energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions from your homes.概述用于纵向市场的控制器As a standardized energy consumption analysis, Energy Health Check Plus uses global industry average level support benchmark management, including operations, technology, infrastructure, personnel and processes. This unique method can be used to check the whole company. With SIEMENS global and regional energy efficiency expert team, combined with the application of the program portfolio is particularly effective.部分或全部更新升级您的建筑基础设施可显著提高建筑能效。由于您可凭借您节约的资金分摊项目成本,所以您从现在开始即可受益于提高的能效所带来的利益——仅需少量的活甚至为零的前期投资。合同能源管理可以帮助你实现保证的节能目标并提高您的建筑和系统的能源效率。 


