深圳市跃顺工业设备有限公司成立于 2005 年是一家*开发、生产及销售自动化螺丝紧固设备的制 造商,同时也是*螺丝紧固制程方案的解决商。诚实、稳重、创新的经营理念下,产品形象及品质不 断提升,得到广大客户的认可。 作为专注于研发螺丝紧固技术的跃顺公司通过不断的努力,已*将的单一型号、换轨型 号的产品*升级为一机通用的螺丝供给机,解决了企业用户的资源浪费、效率低下的被动局面。通过 管大客户的支持,和跃顺人的不断努力,2009 年公司又*研发出手持式自动锁紧螺丝,单轴、多轴高 精度的全自动化紧固机械手,为更多的客户解决了人工作业效率低、合格率低、浪费资源及当前人工劳 动紧缺的问题,提高了企业的产品质量、产能,降低了生产成本及人力成本。 跃顺公司是大陆一家专注于整套螺丝紧固解决方案的企业。公司本着不断创新螺丝紧固技术, 来满足广大客户的生产新需求,努力回报广大客户的支持,促进我国制造业向循环经济、高附加值、高 精度化的国际化新水平而努力奋斗。 我们公司的产品有: 1.  简易型的螺丝排列机:经济简易式螺丝排列机、换轨式螺丝排列机、调轨式螺丝通用性排列机、 数字式螺丝排列机。 2.  半自动螺丝紧固机:弯臂直振式螺丝紧固机,转盘轨道式螺丝紧固机。 3.  全自动螺丝紧固机:单轴全自动螺丝紧固机、单轴双臂式螺丝紧固机、桌上型 XYZ 自动螺丝紧固 机械手。 4.  全新电动螺丝刀:无碳刷电动螺丝刀(瑞士无碳刷电机)。 5.  针对客户需求*开发非标自动化螺丝紧固设备。广泛应用于电子电路,仪器仪表,计算机制造, 手机通讯,精密加工,汽车配件,电动玩具,家电电器等行业。 Shenzhen Evsoon screw feeder Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2005, which is specialized in developing, producing and selling automatic screw fastening device, and we also provide screw fastening process solution. Honest, stable,and ^nopvative are our operation principle, product image and quality are continuously upgraded.Products gain widespread recognition and trust from our customers! We focused on the screw fastening technology , with our continuousefforts , we has successfully upgraded our single model and the changing track mode to a common screw feeder mode Jor users, which can solve the problems of the wasting resources and low efficiency. Through the customer support and our continuous efforts, we had successfully developed a hand-hold automatic fastening screw mode,and single axis, multi-axis with high-precision, fully automated effiient lock manipulator in 200P.Compared with manual operationjt helps more customers solve the problems of low effiiency, passing rate, and the shortage of human labor. Further more; it improves the quality and productivity, also reduces the costs of production and labor costs. Shenzhen Evsoon screw feeder equipment Co., Ltd. is the only one company ,who is absorbed in the screw fastening solutions business in mainland China. To meet the needs of our customers' requirements of production, we will continually improve the screw fastening technology. Meanwhile we will do our best to become a first-class industry for giving back to our society and our customers.At the seme time, we will work hard to promote our manufacturing industry toward the circular economy, the high value-added, high precision international level. Our products are as follows: 1 .Simple screw feeder: the economical and simple screw feeder, the changeable screw feeder, the adjustable screw feeder and the screw feeder with counting function. 2.Semi-automatic screw feeder: bending arm vibration straightly screw fastening mode (2.3-5.0 only), turn plate track screw fastening mode( 1.0-2.0 only). 3.Automatic screw feeder: single axis automatic screw fastening mode,single axis screw double arm fastening mode, tabletop XYZ screw presenters. 4.New automatic screwdriver: brushless electric screwdriver(Switzerland brushless motor). 5.According to the customers special demands, we will develop unmarked automatic screw feeder. Widely used in electronic circuits, instrumentation, computer manufacturers, mobile communications, precision machining, auto parts, electric toys, electrical appliances and so on.