

       Xi'an Banghua Electric Co., Ltd. is located in Xi'an, China. It was established in 2010. After ten years of accumulation and development, Xi'an Banghua Electric Co., Ltd. has become the vanguard of industrial electrical in the local area. Banghua Electric Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in R&D, production and sales of SPD protection, electrical fire monitoring, over voltage protection, fire electrical monitoring, evacuation indication system, high and low voltage switchgear complete sets of equipment, and agent distribution international Domestic first-line brand electrical products. In the field of smart fire protection and smart power supply, we provide continuous services for large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions. The cooperative enterprises include China Railway Group, Shenglong Group, PetroChina, Shaanxi Automobile Group, Shell Oil, Xidian Group, Baosteel Group, Xijing Hospital and Vanke Real Estate. Wanda Group, etc.

BONGHUA  ——  使命


    Be brave and accountable for the actions of the responsible person of ethics.


    Pursue excellence and achieve outstanding performance and operational results.


    Committed to innovation, dare to innovate and create sustainable value.



    Zhuoli is a good corporate citizen, committed to industry, and meets the needs of industrial customers with products and solutions.

BONGHUA  —— 价值观

   创新                     合作                      诚信                       敬业

Innovation          cooperation             integrity            dedication


    电       话:029-8960 2716

                     029-6292 0505

   公司*:029-8152 7286

   手       机:15591837999(李经理)


